It’s difficult to imagine we’ve now hit the 20 year mark that NewWarriors.com has been alive! The New Warriors site I did originally started on Geocities (around 1995 or so?) and I had made it simply because there was no other New Warriors website around (that I ever found). December 13th, 1998 I would go on to make a very active New Warriors eGroup (though much like Geocities, Yahoo purchased eGroups so it eventually became a Yahoo Group) – and much like Geocities, eGroups /Yahoo Groups went away. But the one thing that never went away was the passion for The New Warriors. My wife surprised me (20 years ago, to this day!) by purchasing the domain newwarriors.com – and from there, this site has gone through a ton of revisions. I eventually created a phpBB forum on the site which is where most of the conversation migrated to from eGroups/Yahoo Groups when it came to discussing New Warriors. But by this time, another thing was making waves – and that was this thing called Facebook.
So I grabbed myself a New Warriors Facebook page, directed people in that direction; and the conversations continued. The New Warriors was doing good – we got a second, then a third, and then a fourth series. Then there was news of a New Warriors TV show – this was amazing news – until, one day, it was brought to my attention early in the morning that the Facebook page I’d created was gone – all the content – just… gone. But what was in its place? Well, apparently Marvel contacted Facebook and took over the page and set it up for the show. Even though it looks as if the show is dead in the water, finding no home; I never did get my page restored. But I had created a new Facebook page and Group, figuring as much! (I strongly recommend joining the Facebook Group rather than the page, as the Group is very active and fun!)
Some other ventures including trying to launch a (all too short lived) podcast with fellow New Warriors fan Corey Blake and Nova fanatic Doug Smith. Corey, if you didn’t know, runs the amazing New Warriors Continuity Conundrum and Doug runs the most detailed (and been featured in an actual issue on panel in a Nova Comic!) – the Nova Prime Page.
We eventually got a 5th volume of The New Warriors, written by Christopher Yost – and, sadly, even that was cut way too soon. This was the closest, I felt, that we got to what the New Warriors were all about. Despite these cuts, and a series coming to an end, the New Warriors community, has been a lot like the New Warriors. Strong. Durable. Verbal.
And it was just announced, in early January of this year, that a New Warriors limited series is coming, spinning out of an event from Marvel.
I want to thank the New Warriors community that I’ve spent 20 years knowing; and welcome those who I am still getting to know. I’d like to thank the creators who have used the characters from the New Warriors; and the creators who wrote, draw, colored, penciled and worked on the New Warriors. A very special thanks to Fabian who has always been the most approachable person at any Convention (indulging not only my New Warriors infatuation, but my Adam-X one as well) and Evan who has been kind enough to interact on social media and both of whom have joined our group.
Thank you one and all.
- Tawmis