Black History Month Celebrates – Cloak.

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Real Name: Tyrone “Ty” Johnson
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Vigilante
Citizenship: United States Citizen
Place of Birth: South Boston, MA
Known Relatives: The Johnsons (parents), Otis Johnson (brother), Anna Johnson (twin sister) *
Group Affiliation: the Secret Avengers; Partner of Dagger (Tandy Bowen)
First Appearance: Spectacular Spider-Man #64 (1982)
History: Raised in a poor South Boston neighborhood, Tyrone Johnson was a good student despite his chronic stutter, a disability he struggled to master with the support of his best friend, Billy. When Tyrone was 17, he and Billy witnessed the robbery of a local store and the fatal shooting of its clerk. The thieves fled, and Billy ran as well, fearing that he and Tyrone might be wrongly suspected of the crime. When a policeman ordered Billy to stop, Tyrone tried to proclaim Billy’s innocence; but his stuttering made it impossible to speak clearly, and the officer shot Billy dead. Feeling responsible for Billy’s death and afraid of the police, Johnson ran away to New York City.

Arriving at Manhattan’s Port Authority Bus Terminal, a penniless Tyrone considered robbing Tandy Bowen, a rich girl who had also run away from home; yet when someone else robbed her first, Tyrone impulsively tackled the thief and returned Tandy’s purse. The two teens became fast friends. When the naïve Tandy accepted an offer of shelter from some strange men, a wary Tyrone went along to protect her; however, the two teens were soon forcibly delivered to criminal chemist Simon Marshall.

Marshall was developing a new synthetic heroin for the Maggia, testing it on runaway teens with fatal results. Johnson and Bowen somehow survived injections of the drug, and they fled. During their escape, Tyrone found himself engulfed in darkness and seized by a strange hunger which eased in the presence of Tandy, who was glowing with a brilliant light. Trying to hide his newly shadowy appearance in a makeshift cloak, Tyrone began absorbing Marshall’s thugs into his darkness while Tandy struck them down with daggers of light. The two teens dubbed themselves Cloak and Dagger and declared war on drug crime.

Cloak and Dagger started out as merciless vigilantes, killing Marshall despite the interference of Spider-Man, who saw the duo as misguided innocents and gradually became their friend. After ill-fated assassination attempts on the crimelords Silvermane and Kingpin, Dagger became less ruthless and tried to steer Cloak in a similar direction; however, since his power compelled him to consume living beings, Cloak found it more difficult to follow this gentler path, even though Dagger’s light could satisfy his hunger temporarily.

Cloak and Dagger befriended the super-powered preteens Power Pack and twice aided the New Mutants, junior trainees of the X-Men. The duo eventually learned they were mutants themselves, and that Marshall’s drug had awakened their latent powers. Though they tend to target ordinary street criminals, they have faced such diverse foes as Doctor Doom, the Beyonder, Vermin, the Zapper, the Disciplinarian, the Warlord of Kampuchea, Set, Mephisto, Thanos, the Assembly of Evil, Firebrand, and Lightmaster.

Cloak and Dagger found sanctuary at the Holy Ghost Church with the sympathetic Father Francis Delgado; but over time, Delgado became romantically obsessed with Tandy. Regarding Cloak as a demonic influence, Delgado tried and failed to split up the duo, going mad in the process. After Delgado was institutionalized, Cloak and Dagger found a new mentor in Tandy’s uncle, Father Michael Bowen. Tandy’s father, meanwhile, had become a cult leader as the Lord of Light in India. A “light vampire” who fed on others’ life force, he clashed with Cloak and Dagger until he realized what he had become and tried to atone by hurling himself into Cloak’s ebony abyss.

Police detective Brigid O’Reilly regarded the duo as a menace until they helped her capture serial poisoner Duane Hellman and told her of their origins. Later, when O’Reilly was betrayed and left for dead by corrupt cops, Cloak and Dagger used their powers to save her life, but the experience mutated Brigid’s body and warped her mind. She became the vicious superhuman vigilante Mayhem, often fighting crime alongside Cloak and Dagger. O’Reilly’s former partner, police detective Rebecca “Rusty” Nales, would become an ally to Cloak and Dagger as well.

Cloak continued to struggle with his power, and with the hungry Predator within his darkness. During a period when Cloak swore off consuming living beings, the Predator released the spirit of legendary killer Jack the Ripper to torment Cloak; however, when Jack betrayed the Predator in search of personal power, Cloak absorbed the madman and the Predator consumed Jack again. The drug-dealing crime boss Ecstasy (Renee Deladier) twice stole Cloak’s powers for herself, largely because the Predator preferred the more ruthless Deladier as a host body. Cloak regained his powers both times, thanks in part to Doctor Strange. When the dream-demon Nightmare targeted Cloak, Tyrone prevailed with the aid of Dr. Strange and Dagger, who even managed to nullify Cloak’s darkness altogether for a time; however, Tyrone feared that Dagger could only relate to him as Cloak, and he was soon manipulated into reclaiming his dark powers by the malevolent mystic Mister Jip. Tyrone’s willing resumption of his Cloak form estranged Dagger, who briefly worked with the Black Cat before going back to Cloak, who had tried and failed to find a new partner in Dazzler. By this time, Jip was trying to usurp Cloak’s body with the aid of his agents, Night and Day. Dagger defeated them all with the aid of the Predator, and the partners were reunited. Jip would continue to hound them, striking Dagger blind for a time, using the mad Delgado as a pawn, temporarily corrupting Dagger through the power of Night, and killing both Delgado and Father Bowen by mystically usurping their bodies. Cloak and Dagger would thwart Jip’s plots again and again.

Though Cloak and Dagger once rescued homeless youth Anna Johnson from cultists, only Anna herself was aware of the fact that she is Tyrone’s long-lost sister. Tandy did stay in touch with her stepfather Philip, who persisted in offering Tandy moral and financial support. He even moved to New York City to be near her, caring for her during her temporary blindness, and the two gradually developed a real father-daughter relationship. Sadly, he was killed by an overdose of the designer drug D’Lite, a creation of the demonic D’Spayre, who feeds on human misery. D’Spayre revealed that he had helped create Cloak and Dagger, whose powers would have been quite different had they developed normally. Apparently, their powers would have activated naturally through contact between Tandy and Tyrone; but D’Spayre inhibited this reaction, allowing Marshall’s drug to trigger their powers instead. D’Spayre also secretly placed two aspects of his own power–one light, one dark–within the teens, reshaping their mutant powers. These dark and light forms were meant to act as storage batteries for D’Spayre, accumulating pain and suffering he could tap for future use. He had selected Tyrone and Tandy as host bodies since he thought mutants were especially prone to suffering. When D’Spayre tried to reclaim the light and dark forms for himself, Cloak and Dagger resisted, and D’Spayre was seemingly destroyed. In the process, Cloak’s and Dagger’s powers were altered, though their original abilities reasserted themselves over time.

Cloak and Dagger are devoted to each other, but the lonely Dagger often wants more from life. While on an international case, Tandy performed with Eurocirque as Lady Light and shared a romance with supposed FBI agent Bill Clayton, who was exposed as a criminal but ultimately sacrificed himself to save Cloak and Dagger. Tandy found new friends in the New Warriors, who teamed with Cloak, Dagger and other heroes to defeat the shadow-lunatic Darkling.

Cloak and Dagger teamed with Spider-Man and others to halt a murderous super-villain rampage led by metahuman serial killer Carnage. Dagger was supposedly killed by Carnage’s “wife” Shriek while saving an injured Spider-Man, but was later revealed to be severely wounded and recooperating within Cloak’s shroud, and was the key instrument in breaking up the Carnage “family” and ending the “Maximum Carnage.” Later, Dagger helped rescue the New Warriors from the supremely powerful Sphinx. She accepted an offer of New Warriors membership, though Cloak declined to join. Serving as a Warriors reservist, Dagger also undertook a single mission with the informal Secret Defenders group.

Bloodthirsty fellow vigilante the Punisher has been both an ally and an enemy to Cloak and Dagger over the years. When Cloak went missing recently, Dagger helped form the unofficial “Marvel Knights” alliance with the Punisher and other vigilantes, and joined most of the other Knights in hunting the rogue Punisher after he left. Meanwhile, a Nightmare-manipulated Cloak embarked on a mad quest to consume all lawbreakers, absorbing the Punisher and many others until Dagger teamed with Dr. Strange to purge Cloak’s corrupting darkness and rescue his victims. In the process, Cloak reverted to his human form as Tyrone Johnson, though this condition would prove temporary. Shortly thereafter, the Marvel Knights disbanded.

More recently, the secret criminal group known as The Pride tricked Cloak and Dagger into trying to retrieve their super-powered children. An encounter with these young Runaways soon convinced Cloak and Dagger of The Pride’s true nature, but before they could act on this knowledge, the villains erased the duo’s memories of The Pride. Cloak and Dagger continue to roam the mean streets, bringing the light of hope to the innocent and dark justice to the guilty.

Later, Norman Osborn tracks down Tandy and Tyrone in Colombia, continuing their war against drugs, by burning down drug fields and approaches them to join his new team of “X-Men.” Initially against the idea knowing Osborn’s past; Dagger is persuaded when Osborn tells them that they can take their war on drugs to a global scale as well as having no trouble with police anymore.

Cloak and Dagger are then recruited into the “Dark X-Men” by Norman Osborn. On their first mission, they take down Hellion, Sunspot, Match, Meld, Lorelei Travis, Adam-X, and Avalanche, who are protesting against Osborn’s reign.

Emma Frost eventually offers them a place with the real X-Men, to which their agree. During her time with the X-Men, it is revealed by tests conducted by Dr. Nemesis, that neither Tandy nor Tyrone are actually mutants, as they had previously believed. When Cloak later vanishes, Dagger tracks him down and with the help of the X-Men, Anole and Dr. Nemesis, is able to free Cloak from his captors. Cloak and Dagger decide to depart the X-Men’s home base of Utopia, and return to New York City to continue their fight against the war on drugs.

During this time, Dagger tries to stabilize her life, despite becoming homeless with Tyrone, by doing what she can to attend College. It’s during this time, that Dagger is captured by Mister Negative, who corrupts her with Negative Energy; her powers become altered, now using the Dark Force, similar to Cloak where she has a hunger for light and begins to die without it. Cloak pleads with Mister Negative to give him the same touch in hopes that it would reverse his powers as well; and it does, so that Cloak now has the same powers as Dagger once had. Cloak quickly feeds Dagger his light to “feed” her and keep her alive.

The two have been seen together, continuing their fight against crime and drugs, with their swapped powers. However, in Shanghai, China, at Parker Industries, Doctor Yao Wu, has discovered an antidote to the drug called “Shade” that Mister Negative had used, which unleashes a person’s darker side. This very drug was used on both Cloak and Dagger that swapped their powers and made them loyal servants to Mister Negative.

When Mister Negative uses Peter Parker as a pawn to slip Shade to a Chinese speaker named Shen Quinghao, he expects it will unleash Shen’s darker side and the world will watch in horror. When Shen delivers his speech without a problem, Mister Negative demands that Cloak to teleport them there. When they arrive, they’re greeted by armed policemen, and Mister Negative realizes it’s a trap. Spider-Man shows up and first hits Cloak with the cure to Shade, which reverses Cloak’s power and appearance, back to his standard Darkforce.

Things seem to be going well, until Peter Parker’s girlfriend, Lian Tang, shows up in the Spider-Mobile, trying to kill Spider-Man. Unbeknownst to Spider-Man, she is being black mailed by a terrorist organization called Zodiac, and they’re the only ones keeping her mother alive, and they have forced Lian to turn against Spider-Man.

In the meantime, Mister Negative tells Dagger to kill Shen Quinghao, and Cloak, now of sound mind once more tries to stop Dagger. Cloak, despite the history of drugs shared between Cloak and Dagger, injects Tandy with the cure to Shade, restoring her powers and appearance.

At that moment, Mister Negative reaches Shen Quinghao, who confesses (though with no audience), that he was indeed, a former gang member known as Silver Fang, and his Snakehead gang was once involved in human trafficking. Frustrated, Mister Negative commands Shen to jump out a window, which he does. Spider-Man, who had been speaking to Lian, explained he knew her situation, just as Shen goes flying by. Lian uses the Spider-Mobile to catch him, but the sudden shift causes it to begin falling.

Cloak and Dagger appear, and teleport them all to safety. Shen is taken to a hospital, where the cure to Mister Negative’s touch was given to him. Mister Negative manages to escape in all the confusion, but now both Cloak and Dagger are immune to his touch, and the drug, Shade.

Height: 5’9?
Weight: 155 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Cloak’s body is a portal to the “Darkforce Dimension,” a world of strange ebony energy. Cloak is linked to a pocket realm of that dimension dominated by the Predator, which compels Cloak to absorb the life forces of other beings; but Dagger’s light can temporarily satisfy this craving. Cloak can channel Darkforce to create a field of darkness in his general vicinity, usually using his cloak as a focal point to manipulate this darkness, though it can spread well beyond the confines of his cloak. People enveloped by Cloak’s darkness feel numbing cold and crippling fear, sometimes seeing disturbing visions. Overlong exposure to the darkness can drive people insane. Dagger’s light renders her largely immune to Cloak’s darkness, and she can extend her light to protect others within Cloak’s darkness if need be. Unprotected victims trapped in Cloak’s dark realm are gradually drained of their life force, and presumably die unless Cloak releases them.

Cloak can “teleport” by entering the Darkforce dimension, moving a short distance within it and emerging back on Earth a great distance from his point of origin. A span of miles on Earth can be traversed in only a few steps via shortcuts through the Darkforce. Cloak can “teleport” other persons or objects along with himself in this fashion, too, a feat usually reserved for Dagger since most beings cannot safely traverse the Darkforce.

As Cloak, Tyrone is usually intangible, though he can solidify through an act of will, or by absorbing enough “light” to saturate his form temporarily. On the rare occasions when he resumes human form, he usually reverts to his old stutter, which vanishes when he becomes Cloak. Tyrone also seems to be physically stronger as Cloak. Tyrone’s link to the Darkforce has been severed on several occasions, but he seems drawn to the darkness and vice versa, and he always regains his Cloak form eventually.

Accessories: None

* Note: In Mutant Misadventures of Cloak & Dagger #4, one of the demons notes that Ty’s brother, Otis, became a drug pusher and got his sister hooked on drugs; and that Ty did not show up to her funeral. Because they don’t name the sister who died of the drug overdose, it’s unclear if it’s Anna, Ty’s twin, or if there is indeed another (unnamed) sister in Ty’s family.

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Black History Month Celebrates – Meteorite.

Note – While she was never a member of the New Warriors, or even seen in any of the New Warriors titles, she is the daughter of Sprocket and Cardinal, both of whom had a good run appearing in the New Warriors. Meteorite was technically a member of the Redeemers, which appeared in Thunderbolts (and a favorite of mine over there… so I put her on the New Warriors website because of her direct connection to Sprocket and Cardinal).

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Real Name: Valerie Barnhardt
Aliases: None
Identity: Known to the Authorities
Occupation: Air Force, Government Agent
Citizenship: US Citizen With A Criminal Record (Expunged)
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Amelia Barnhardt (Sprocket, Mother), Donald Joshua Clendenon (Cardinal, Father)
Group Affiliation: Redeemers
First Appearance: Thunderbolts (Volume One) #48
History: Valerie was the daughter of Amelia Barnhardt (Sprocket) and Donald Joshua Clendenon (Cardinal) during a one night stand in Rhodesia, during their days as mercenaries. Amelia never told Donald that she was pregnant and Valerie never knew who her father was. By the age of six, she was enrolled in a military academy and when Valerie was old enough, she left home and joined the Air Force, where she became an accomplished pilot. Amelia, her mother, was also an accomplished (helicopter) pilot. However, during her time with the Air Force, Valerie was raped by her commanding officer. Valerie would later retaliate, in an attack that left her commanding officer paralyzed. Because the rape was never properly reported, Valerie was held accountable for her actions that left her commanding officer paralyzed, and was charged as a criminal.

Valerie was eventually offered a chance to expunge her criminal record if she agreed to join the Redeemers program, using an experimental suit based off the Alpha Flight member known as Windshear. She adopted the name Meteorite and agreed to become a part of the Redeemers. During her time with the Redeemers, Valerie struck up a friendship with her fellow teammate, Leila Davis (who had become Beetle II).

Valerie would meet a (seemingly) tragic end, when during a fight with Graviton, he reversed her gravity from Earth and launched her into space, where she apparently suffocated and died.

S.H.I.E.L.D. was eventually able to locate and recover Meteroite’s body and did a DNA test that confirmed that Valerie was indeed Amelia’s daughter. After learning this, Amelia paid Donald (Cardinal) a visit in prison and explained why she never told him that they had a daughter together. Donald is furious and Crimson Cowl eventually shows up and convinces Donald that Hawkeye is to blame for Valerie’s death; and that the Crimson Cowl was forming a team to take down Hawkeye and the rest of the Thunderbolts.

He joins and becomes Harrier and seeks revenge against Hawkeye (and the rest of the Thunderbolts), but eventually accept that it wasn’t ever Hawkeye’s fault. He returns to jail with Abner Jenkins (better known as Beetle/Mach V).

Height: 5’5?
Weight: 110 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

Powers: None

Armor: Valerie wore an armor based off of Windshear, from Alpha Flight. The Meteorite suit utilities hard air technology in a variety of ways, allowing her to fly, protecting her with a limited force field (which also maintains a limited air supply), and allowing her to use their force field to turn herself into a battering ram.

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Black History Month Celebrates – Cardinal.

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Real Name: Donald Joshua Clendenon
Aliases: Harrier
Identity: Known to the Authorities
Occupation: Inmate; former adventurer, criminal, mercenary
Citizenship: US Citizen With A Criminal Record
Place of Birth: Birmingham, Alabama
Known Relatives: Unidentified father, Valerie Barnhardt (Meteorite, daughter, deceased)
Group Affiliation: None; (formerly) Thunderbolts, Masters of Evil, Air Force
First Appearance: (as Cardinal) New Warriors #28 (1992); (as Harrier, in shadow) Thunderbolts #65 (2002); (as Harrier, fully) Thunderbolts #67 (2002)
History: Donald Joshua Clendenon is a Vietnam Veteran, who met Amelia Barnhardt (who later became Sprocket), and got her pregnant. It had been a one time thing, and he did not know until much later that he had a daughter by the name of Valerie Barnhardt (who went on to become Meteorite of the Redeemers). Clendenon came into possession of a power suit and adopted the name Cardinal, where he became a bodyguard for Jeremy Swimmingbear (also known as Sea Urchin). This job would bring him in direct conflict with the New Warriors, who had been tracking Jeremy Swimmingbear’s movements; which dealt with a Russian organized crime ring, trading stolen icons for sophisticated weaponry. Cardinal manages to defeat the New Warriors and make good of his escape. However, Cardinal would encounter the New Warriors, yet again, when the Warriors tracked down Jeremy Swimmingbear again. This time, both Jeremy Swimmingbear and Cardinal are captured; and Cardinal is placed in police custody.

Cardinal is later broken out of prison by his team Air Force (which consists of himself; Killer Shrike, Tanager, and Sparrow). They track down the signature reading from the Turbo costume, which brings them in direct conflict with the New Warriors, yet again. Thanks to Mike (who is currently wearing the Turbo outfit at the time, though it had been Mickey who had been wearing it when the New Warriors first encountered Cardinal) and Mickey, the entire team of Air Force is defeated, and once again, returned to prison.

Sometime later, Night Thrasher blackmailed Cardinal and the rest of the members of Air Force into assisting with the African relief efforts. Cardinal, who is African-American himself, was genuinely moved by the suffering and began diligently working to aid those who were in desperate need of food. However, Undertow (led by Protocol) and the Soldiers of Misfortune appeared and began slaughtering the refugees. Air Force attempted to stop the Soldiers of Misfortune, but Cardinal was badly wounded and Oriole (a new member of Air Force) and Tanager were both killed in the battle, while Sparrow was captured and later mutated to become the member known as ‘Fast’ in the Soldiers of Misfortune. There was something, despite the constant bickering, between Cardinal and Sparrow previously, in terms of a relationship, that was never fully explained; but it was clear that he cared for her.

Dismayed by the failure at becoming a hero, Cardinal once again returned to a life of self-profit and joined the Crimson Cowl’s Masters of Evil. They are however, defeated by the Thunderbolts and Cardinal is once again returned to Seagate Prison.

Sprocket (Amelia Barnhardt) would later visit Cardinal in prison and inform him of the death of their daughter, who had become Meteorite of the Redeemers and had been brutally killed by Graviton. Cardinal explained he never knew; and Sprocket asked how he would he; it had been a drunken one night stand in Rhodesia. Clendenon had left Amelia with the bar tab and disappeared never knowing that Amelia was pregnant from their one night stand. Later, when Hawkeye was incarcerated at Seagate Prison, the Crimson Cowl appeared and told Cardinal how Hawkeye was responsible for the death of Valerie Barnhardt, his daughter. However, Hawkeye was able to convince Cardinal, and the rest of the Masters of Evil, to turn on the Crimson Cowl and defeat them. Cardinal adopted the name Harrier and although he still harbored a grudge against Hawkeye, he still chose to return to prison in order to serve the remainder of his sentence.

Height: 6’2?
Weight: 257 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Powers: None

Armor: As both Cardinal and Harrier, he used winged body armor which granted him the cabability of jet-powered flight, capablity to travel underwater, and enhanced strength. Among his armor’s offensive capabilities were blasts of electricity, a titanium net, and “tar pellets” ensnaring projectiles.

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Black History Month Celebrates – Sprocket.

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Real Name: Amelia Barnhardt
Aliases: None
Identity: Publicly Known
Occupation: Former mercenary; former pilot of the New Warriors.
Citizenship: American Citizen With No Known Criminal Record
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Valerie Barnhardt {Meteorite} (Daughter, Deceased)
Group Affiliation: New Warriors (Formerly)
First Appearance: Night Thrasher: Four Control #2
History: Sprocket’s one night stand in Rhodesia with fellow mercenary Donald Joshua Clendenon – who would go on to become The Cardinal – nearly twenty one years ago would come back to haunt her.

Preganant with Clendenon’s child, Sprocket decided to keep it a secret and not tell the would be father of their child, and decided to raise the child on her own. Born Valerie Barnhardt, she was enrolled into the military academy when she was just six years old. By the time she turned eighteen, Valerie joined the Air Force and eventually became a Lieutenant, until she paralyzed her commanding officer, who had tried to rape her.

Amelia Barnhardt, better known as Sprocket, was an old friend of the New Warriors’ mentor, Andrew Chord, from their days as mercenaries together. During Andrew Chord’s recovery from an attempted suicide, Sprocket was called in to fill in for him as the pilot for the New Warriors. Known for her large cigars, larger guns, and perhaps larger (and far more profane!) mouth, Sprocket’s first mission was flying the New Warriors through the war torn land of Trans-Sable.

Even after Chord’s recovery, Sprocket remained around to fly the New Warriors around as Andrew Chord remained on the ground at the New Warriors’ base.

Sprocket and Cardinal would meet again, when Cardinal was leading his team called Air Force. Cardinal had managed to shoot Sprocket in the knee, before Night Thrasher defeated him, and the rest of Air Force. Cardinal and Sprocket would meet yet again when Air Force was attacked by a team calling themselves the Soldiers of Misfortune.

Night Thrasher was eventually kicked from the New Warriors, despite founding the team, and a short time later, Sprocket ceased flying for the New Warriors.

Sprocket eventually learned that her daughter, who had went on to become a superhero by the name of Meteorite, on a team calling themselves The Redeemers, had been brutally murdered by the villain Graviton. Valerie’s body was recovered by S.H.I.E.L.D. where Sprocket asked for a DNA sample and verified as she had suspected, that Cardinal had been her father. She paid him a visit in jail, where Sprocket told him everything and that she and her daughter, Valerie, hadn’t spoken in three years before her death, for reasons unknown.

Height: 5’8”
Weight: 205 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

Powers: None.

Accessories: Varies; Sprocket is an excellent shot with a gun, and even better at profanity.

Note: As a mercenary, Sprocket has learned a number of skills from unarmed combat, to sniping; but it can not even be debated that she is the best, hands down, at launching profanity at someone.

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Black History Month Celebrates – Chord.

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Real Name: Andrew Chord
Aliases: None
Identity: Publicly Known
Occupation: Formerly member of Executive Board of Taylor Foundation; former sergeant in US Army; member of Half-Fulls; former mercenary; former trainer of Night Thrasher and the rest of the New Warriors; former pilot of the New Warriors.
Citizenship: American Citizen With No Known Criminal Record
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Miyami (Wife, Deceased), Midnight’s Fire (Son), Silhouette Chord (Daughter), Tai (Mother In Law, Deceased), Julia Chord (Grand daughter)
Group Affiliation: New Warriors (Formerly)
First Appearance: Thor #411
History: Life for Andrew Chord has been a normal one; but that would drastically change when he began his career in the army during the Vietnam War. With his unit, who called themselves the “Half Fulls”, they searched for a possible locations to create landing bases for American Aircrafts. His unit consisted of himself, Daryl Taylor (the father of Night Thrasher), Diego Cassaes (later known as the Left Hand), and the other men who would become the fathers of the team that would become The Folding Circle). Just north of the Se Kong River in Cambodia, they stumbled across a mysterious building known as the Temple of the Dragon’s Breadth; along with an English speaking Cambodian geriatric named Tai who restrained them via magic.

She explained that they needed to mate with the six women from their cult, and that their children would grow up to be very special. Five of the six men agreed; only Daryl Taylor refused his mate, because he was already married back in the states.

Chord was married to Tai’s only daughter, Miyami and brought his new bridge home with him to the United States. She would eventually give birth to two biracial children, Silhouette and Midnight’s Fire. Fearing Tai’s manipulations and intentions, Miyami took her children and faked her death in an explosive car accident. The children were left in Manhattan’s Chinatown.

Chord believed his wife and children to be dead, so with no chains to bind him, he began traveling the world looking for who he was. This path led him into becoming a mercenary, where at some point he crossed paths with the time-traveling Cable. Unable to find happiness, Chord returned to the Temple of the Dragon’s Breadth, where he renewed his association with his mother-in-law, Tai.

Learning from Chord, the fate of his children, Tai sought a replacement to fulfill Chord’s role in the pact. Tai manipulated things so that Chord renewed his friendship with Daryl Taylor and his wife Melody. Chord even became the godfather of their son, Dwayne Taylor. Tai then told Chord to kill Daryl and Melody to fulfill his role in the pact. Chord did as she asked, reluctantly so, killing them both in a crowded restaurant. Tai, seeing that Dwayne had been present, erased his mind of the event, and who had been responsible.

Dwayne grew up in the hands of Chord and Tai, training to one day get revenge on those who had killed his parents. They also took over Dwayne’s business affairs, since Daryl was the owner of the wealthy Taylor Foundation. Dwayne would come to meet Silhouette and Midnight’s Fire in his early teen years and develop a friendship with them. Neither Chord nor Tai recognized the children as Chord’s very own children. Dwayne’s interest in Silhouette developed further, as he became romantically involved with her.

However, all of that came to an end, when Silhouette was crippled during a failed undercover operation against a Korean gang.

With the urging of Tai and Chord, Dwayne formed a superhero team by the name of “The New Warriors.” Chord initially served as their pilot, taking them places they needed to go; all the while Tai’s intent had been to prepare them for the sacrifice in the Well of the Dragon’s Breadth, along with the rest of the Folding Circle.

Dwayne eventually uncovered the financial abuse Chord had been involved in, using the Taylor Foundation – and rather than answer to it, Chord took his gun to his head and pulled the trigger, in an attempt to commit suicide. The attempt, however, was a failure and Chord managed to survive. Weeks on end in the hospital, Chord one day confessed to murdering Dwayne’s parents. While there, Miyami also came to visit him – Tai, learning of Miyami’s deception, killed her own daughter.

Chord was healed partially by the dark magics of Tai; and it still took months of rehab to recover from his injuries.

Tai’s end would come however, when she attempted to sacrifice the New Warriors and the Folding Circle, when Dwayne killed her before she could complete the sacrifice.

Chord and his former mercenary buddy, Sprocket, helped Dwayne discover the truth behind his father’s illegitimate son, Donyell. Chord also helped reform a new version of the New Warriors to help track down the time displaced Warriors after their battle with the Sphinx.

Height: 5’10”
Weight: 165 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: None
Powers: None.
Accessories: Varies; Andrew Chord is an excellent shot with a gun.

Note: As a mercenary, Andrew Chord is exceptional with the use of guns, knives and other weapons. He also has a large list of contacts.

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Black History Month Celebrates – Sun Girl.

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Sun Girl

Real Name: Selah Burke
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret
Occupation: College Student
Citizenship: United States Citizen With No Criminal Record
Place of Birth: New York City, New York
Known Relatives: Dr. Edward Lansky (Father, Lightmaster), Unnamed Mother
Group Affiliation: New Warriors
First Appearance: Super Spider-Man Team Up #1
History: Little is known about the hero calling herself “Sun Girl.” She seems to use a form of tech that allows her to fly. Her wings seem to be composed of an unknown energy source. Doctor Otto Ovatvius, who took over Peter Parker’s body and life, adopted the guise of “The Superior” Spider-Man and went on a violent streak where he fought Cloak (now Tandy Bowen) and Dagger (now Tyrone “Ty” Johnson), assaulting Cloak by punching her in the face when they had tried to stop a set of would be robbers. Superior Spider-Man’s fight escalated, and landed him in Hell’s Kitchen, where he fought Daredevil. Others he fought, and for no specific reason, included Gravity, Power Man & Iron Fist, Sun Girl, Moon Knight, and even Doctor Strange.

She was seen again, when the Wrecking Crew was tearing up the city. She was using a gun that she blasted The Wrecker with (although he deflected her blasts with his enchanted crowbar). She, along with the rest of the Wrecking Crew, were surprised when the Superior Spider-Man showed up with his own team – the Sinister Six, consisting of Sandman, Mysterio, Electro, Chameleon, and Vulture. The Wrecking Crew and Sun Girl both stop fighting to try and figure out what was happening (why a hero like the Superior Spider-Man had known criminals working for him). The fighting resumed when Wrecker called for the Wrecking Crew to take down Superior Spider-Man and the Sinister Six.

Sun Girl questions why a group of bad guys are working with Spider-Man, but he doesn’t answer her (rather, he tells her to be quiet because he’s concentrating). Not one to be left out of the fight, Sun Girl rejoins the battle and continues to blast Bulldozer with the laser gun that she has. Spider-Man saves her at the last moment, as Bulldozer slams into the car she was standing in front of. When Thunderball manages to steal the Particle Engine from the newly created corporation, Alchemax, Spider-Man’s team begins to fall apart. Sun Girl then blasts Thunderbolt with a blinding flash of laser light that nearly blinds everyone around her; but also does something else. It “awakens” the members of the Sinister Six. Before they can react however, Wrecker rips the road apart and he and the rest of the Wrecking Crew escape in the confusion. Spider-Man demands the Sinister Six to stop; and with those words, they simply freeze, a blank look on their faces. Spider-Man takes the Particle Engine and carries the unconscious Sun Girl with him.

Sun Girl wakes up, surrounded by the Spider Soldiers who serve Spider-Man. Freaking out, she blasts them with light and attempts to make her escape – only to be confronted by Spider-Man who explains that she is on Spider-Island. He then demands to know who she is and where she got the equipment she was using.

Elsewhere, we learn that it was Lightmaster who hired the Wrecking Crew, and he now plans on recreating the Masters of Evil to take on Spider-Man and his Sinister Six crew.

After attending another class at College, Sun Girl resumes scanning New York and comes across Whirlwind; who hopes to lure Spider-Man and the Superior Six, which he does and gets ambushed by the newest rendition of the Masters of Evil which includes: Wrecker, Thunderball, Piledriver, Bulldozer, Whirlwind, Absorbing Man, Titania, Mr. Hyde, and Blackout. Spider-Man figures out that the attack by the Masters of Evil is nothing but a diversion and goes back to Parker Industries, where he discovers that Lightmaster is stealing the much sought after engine. Spider-Man tries to convince the Masters of Evil that Lightmaster can’t afford to pay them – and in the confusion, when Lightmaster attempts to control the engine – the power is cancelled out by Sun Girl who reveals that Lightmaster is her father (explaining that she’s biracial – and clearly taking her mother’s maiden name).

Sun Girl, due to emphatic prodding from Spider-Man, blasts the engine and causes it to explode in a big white light.

She eventually goes on her own, trying to prove that she can be a hero. During one of the battles, an explosion rocks a subway. She flies in to investigate and finds three mysterious figures calling themselves The Evolutionaries, slaughtering the Morlocks. She joins the fight to help the defenseless Morlocks. She holds her own for a considerable amount of time, but when she’s finally wore down and the Evolutionaries give her a chance to step aside so that they can continue their work – she opts to stand with the Morlocks and die. However, just as death should claim her life – she finds she’s saved by a mysterious stranger; Haechi jumping in front of her and not only absorbing the blunt of the blast; but also physically devouring it.

At that moment, Justice and Speedball, of the New Warriors also arrived to examine what was going on; having been alerted about the blast while they had been in Avenger’s Mansion. With their arrival, the Evolutionaries flee. When questioned by Justice, Haechi explains that he never asked for any of this. Sun Girl gets in a debate with Haechi about how he should embrace the power he’s been given. Justice steps in and explains to Sun Girl that she has equipment that gives her her power; while Haechi was physically changed with the horn on his head – something he can not easily disguise. Sun Girl shoots at Haechi who consumes the energy fired at him. She explains that it wasn’t a coincidence that he showed up when he did – and that together, they need to stop the Evolutionaries. Justice finally agrees, and notes that they need to find Nova.

They eventually team up with Scarlet Spider (Kaine), Hummingbird, and Watersnake and defeat the High Evolutionary. They also assist Watersnake in her quest to find Namorita, who she believes is alive. The New Warriors are seen standing together, eventually, and Namorita is among them.

Height: 5’3”
Weight: 115 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Powers: None.

Accessories: Sun Girl appears to use tech that allows her to fly. She was also seen brandishing a gun type weapon, when fighting Superior Spider-Man and the Wrecking Crew. Her equipment was upgraded by the Superior Spider-Man.

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Black History Month Celebrates – Longstrike.

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Real Name: Christine Cord
Aliases: Tattoo
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Former Student, Adventurer
Citizenship: United States Citizen with a criminal record.
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Christian Cord (Phaser – formerly known as Radian)
Group Affiliation: Formerly Omega Gang, New Warriors
First Appearance: (Seen) New X-Men #126, (Tattoo) New X-Men #134, (Longstrike) New Warriors #2 (v4), (Identified) New Warriors #4 (v4)
History: Not much is known about the mutant who had gone by the name Tattoo, until she became a student at the Xavier Institute. Born with the mutant ability to display messages and images on her skin, as well as phase through solid matter; Tattoo had a difficult time fitting in, even at the Xavier Institute. Her powers, along with her brother (who had formerly gone by the name Radian, now better known as Phaser of the New Warriors), had developed their powers during Church, in which her skin changed the tone of its color, as well as all of her hair suddenly falling out.

At Xavier’s Institute, Tattoo found herself a victim of Cassandra Nova’s mental control, in which she was forced to attack Wolverine, Beast and other X-Men. Tattoo would eventually be freed by the Stepford Cuckoos, during the battle against Cassandra Nova.

She would also become romantically involved with a fellow mutant, who had gone by the name of Slick. However, when Quentin Quire revealed Slick’s true form to Tattoo, ironically, she became disgusted with his appearance and broke off their romantic relationship because of his appearance. From there, Quentin recruited Tattoo into his “gang” called The Omega Gang.

As a member of the Omega Gang, they fought – often drastically – for their belief in Mutant Rights. They also sought revenge in Jumbo Carnation’s murder, and even battled a mutant-hating organization known as the U-Men.

The Omega Gang’s rebellious attitude continued into the Opening Day of Xavier Institute, when they were going to bring in “normal, non-powered humans” into the school. During the stand off, Tattoo threatened to kill Cyclops by phasing her hand inside his skull, but White Queen countered her by doing the same to her. The Omega Gang was neutralized, and the members were sent to jail, for their crimes.

Tattoo is one of many mutants that lost their superhuman powers after the events of M-Day.

She resurfaced with the New Warriors under the guise of Longstrike. During their first real mission against a new Zodiac Team, Longstrike was killed by the member known as Cancer.

Height: 5’8?
Weight: 130 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: None/Black (Dyed Auburn)

Powers: Formerly was able to broadcast images and words on her skin, as well as phase through solid objects. These powers were lost after the events of M-Day.

Accessories: Longstrike uses an armor set that strongly resembles that of Stilt-Man technology.

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Black History Month Celebrates – Phaser.

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Real Name: Christian Cord
Aliases: Radian
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Former Student, Adventurer
Citizenship: United States Citizen with a criminal record.
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Christine Cord (Longstrike – formerly known as Tattoo; Deceased)
Group Affiliation: Formerly Omega Gang, New Warriors
First Appearance: (Radian) New X-Men #134, (Phaser) New Warriors #2 (v4), (Identified) New Warriors #4 (v4)
History: Not much is known about the mutant who had gone by the name Radian, until he became a student at the Xavier Institute. Born with the mutant ability to emit a blinding flash from his body; Radian had a difficult time fitting in, even at the Xavier Institute. His powers, along with his sister (who had formerly gone by the name Tattoo, now better known as Longstrike of the New Warriors), had developed their powers during Church, which had left him temporarily blind.

At Xavier’s Institute, Radian found himself a victim of Cassandra Nova’s mental control, in which he was forced to attack Wolverine, Beast and other X-Men. Radian would eventually be freed by the Stepford Cuckoos, during the battle against Cassandra Nova.

After the death of Jumbo Carnation, Quentin recruited Radian into his “gang” called The Omega Gang.

As a member of the Omega Gang, they fought – often drastically – for their belief in Mutant Rights. They also sought revenge in Jumbo Carnation’s murder, and even battled a mutant-hating organization known as the U-Men.

The Omega Gang’s rebellious attitude continued into the Opening Day of Xavier Institute, when they were going to bring in “normal, non-powered humans” into the school. The Omega Gang was neutralized, and the members were sent to jail, for their crimes.

Radian is one of many mutants that lost their superhuman powers after the events of M-Day.

He would eventually be recruited by a man calling himself Night Thrasher and join a team that had adopted the name “The New Warriors.”

In a battle against a new Zodiac Team, Phaser watched in horror as his sister, Longstrike, was killed by Cancer from the Zodiac Team.

Sometime later, at the Appalachian Safehouse, Night Thrasher finds that the entire area is undisturbed. He had hoped that if Dwayne were still alive he would be hiding here. He does however, managed to snag some of Dwayne’s DNA for testing. As he exits the house however, he discovers he’s not alone and is confronted by Counter Force which consists of: Justice, Rage, Debrii, Slapstick and two of the Scarlet Spiders.

Both Rage and Justice try to talk to Night Thrasher but he refuses to discuss it with them and a fight breaks out – and just when it seems like Night Thrasher’s been captured – the arrival of the New Warriors tips the balance once more.

Throughout the fight Night Thrasher is thinking about how Justice and the rest of Counter Force think he’s a Skrull – while he’s wondering if it was Skrull who perished at Stamford, not his own half-brother. As the fight processes, Night Thrasher realizes that this has to end quickly.

He decides to stop the fight and unveil who he is. He explains his actions about looking for the truth about Dwayne – and whether he would ever take part of some reality television show as a part of the “New Warriors.” Justice steps up and informs Donyell that he can help – because he knows the location of Dwayne’s body.

The New Warriors, along with Counter Force, arrive at the Helicarrier only to find it under attack by Skrulls. The New Warriors and Counter Force get out of the plane as Night Thrasher crashes it into one of the Skrull ships. After that, they follow Justice onto the Helicarrier and begin helping the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents against the Skrulls.

As the New Warriors and Counter Force battle the Skrulls, Night Thrasher grabs Justice and enables “ghost mode” – allowing them to phrase through the floor. The others continue to battle the Skrulls – and just when it seems like they might be doing all right – the arrival of a Super Skrull, looking a lot like Nova, appears and tilts the odds back in favor of the Skrulls.

Meanhile Justice leads Night Thrasher to the bodies of what appears to be Dwayne and Microbe, with Nita’s ashes in a jar. Night Thrasher takes a sample from Dwayne’s body and begins the DNA comparison. All three turn out to be positive identifications – proving that the Dwayne, Namorita and Microbe did indeed die at Stamford. Night Thrasher turns to Justice and explains, he’s taking the remains with him. Justice, after a brief pause, agrees to help.

They bury the New Warriors and create a memorial plaque for Dwayne, Namorita and Zachary.

Later, the New Warriors burst in through the roof and the Dread Dealers are subjected to Pym Particles and reduced in size.

Their victory is short lived however, with the sudden appearance of Sykes, Givens and the New Warriors Task Force. The New Warriors make a break for it – but Blackwing, who is carrying Night Thrasher gets tagged and the two crash to the ground. Panicking, Tempest screams out and doesn’t see the net shot at her – Wondra tries to push her out of the way but gets snagged.

One of the New Warriors Task Force members fires a shot – but Ripcord kicks him at the last moment. The shot hits the flame tank of another New Warriors Task Force member – and Ripcord stops to try and help him. Skybolt seeing that the tank is about to explode tries to get to Ripcord – he manages to grab her and start flying away – but the tank explodes, causing a blinding flash. Night Thrasher gets the other New Warriors together, and they quickly make their escape – unsure of the fate of both Skybolt and Ripcord. They later learn that both perished in the fire.

The New Warriors are later teleported to an alternate reality, in which Dwayne Taylor has become Iron Man, and Tony Stark has become Night Thrasher. Dwayne has become an evil corporate leader, and while Donyell struggles to not betray his brother, in the end he knows he has to stop him. After a long fight, the New Warriors defeat Dwayne, and return to their own time.

Donyell tells them to keep their tech equipment regardless, because they had definitely deserved it. As everyone exits the room, Wondra approaches Night Thrasher and the two seem to be ready to say something – instead, Wondra kisses Night Thrasher on the cheek then follows the others out of the room, leaving Donyell there to sit and think about all that he had done – and what he was going to do next.

Height: 5’11”
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Powers: Formerly able to generate a blind flash of ultra-violet light, that he was able to control to the degree of blinding people, or burning them.

Accessories: Phaser uses armor that seems to emulate that of Iron Man, that allows him to emit beams from his hands, as well as a “Uni-Beam” from the chest similiar to Iron Man. The magnitude of the beams at this time remains unknown.

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Black History Month Celebrates – Debrii.

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Real Name: Deborah Fields
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Former Reality TV Star With the New Warriors
Citizenship: American Citizen, with no known criminal record.
Place of Birth: New York City, New York
Known Relatives: None Known
Group Affiliation: New Warriors (formerly, inactive)
First Appearance: New Warriors #4 (Volume 3)
History: Previous to Debrii’s debut on the New Warriors Reality TV show, there is very little known about her past. She was recruited by the studio to add “spice” to the show, in hopes of increasing the ratings.

Debrii’s appearance was not only startling to Terrax, but the New Warriors as well.The clutter and dust she’d kicked up proved to be the exact cover Terrax needed to escape. When Ashley, the show’s producer introduced Debrii as the Warrior’s newest member, there was instant conflict.

However, in the small town of NuPonder, Debrii was able to manipulate sheets of metal to create a robotic Terrax which she used to help the New Warriors in the battle against robots modeled after history’s greatest thinkers.

After a battle against Corruptor, Ashley tells the New Warriors that the show has been put on hiatus, and that they’re a Mid-Season Replacement with an order of six episodes (in short, telling them that the show has been cancelled). After that news, Nova takes Debrii home.

For reasons unknown, when the Warriors resurfaced again, with the show apparently saved from cancellation, Debrii was not present on the team roster.
Debrii appeared again, joining the Iniative where she is with former New Warriors, such as Justice and Rage. Debrii was a part of an investigation as to who had assaulted Gauntlet, and nearly killed him.

At the Appalachian Safehouse, Night Thrasher finds that the entire area is undisturbed. He had hoped that if Dwayne were still alive he would be hiding here. He does however, managed to snag some of Dwayne’s DNA for testing. As he exits the house however, he discovers he’s not alone and is confronted by Counter Force which consists of: Justice, Rage, Debrii, Slapstick and two of the Scarlet Spiders.

Both Rage and Justice try to talk to Night Thrasher but he refuses to discuss it with them and a fight breaks out – and just when it seems like Night Thrasher’s been captured – the arrival of the New Warriors tips the balance once more.

Throughout the fight Night Thrasher is thinking about how Justice and the rest of Counter Force think he’s a Skrull – while he’s wondering if it was Skrull who perished at Stamford, not his own half-brother. As the fight processes, Night Thrasher realizes that this has to end quickly.

He decides to stop the fight and unveil who he is. He explains his actions about looking for the truth about Dwayne – and whether he would ever take part of some reality television show as a part of the “New Warriors.” Justice steps up and informs Donyell that he can help – because he knows the location of Dwayne’s body.

The New Warriors, along with Counter Force, arrive at the Helicarrier only to find it under attack by Skrulls. The New Warriors and Counter Force get out of the plane as Night Thrasher crashes it into one of the Skrull ships. After that, they follow Justice onto the Helicarrier and begin helping the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents against the Skrulls.

As the New Warriors and Counter Force battle the Skrulls, Night Thrasher grabs Justice and enables “ghost mode” – allowing them to phrase through the floor. The others continue to battle the Skrulls – and just when it seems like they might be doing all right – the arrival of a Super Skrull, looking a lot like Nova, appears and tilts the odds back in favor of the Skrulls.

Meanhile Justice leads Night Thrasher to the bodies of what appears to be Dwayne and Microbe, with Nita’s ashes in a jar. Night Thrasher takes a sample from Dwayne’s body and begins the DNA comparison. All three turn out to be positive identifications – proving that the Dwayne, Namorita and Microbe did indeed die at Stamford. Night Thrasher turns to Justice and explains, he’s taking the remains with him. Justice, after a brief pause, agrees to help.

They bury the New Warriors and create a memorial plaque for Dwayne, Namorita and Zachary.

Debrii, along with the rest of Counter Force, returned to Camp Hammond, now calling themselves “The New Warriors” and battled Ragnarok, the clone of Thor. After finally defeating Ragnarok, Debrii parted ways with the New Warriors.

Norman Osborn had brought on Boomerang to a team known as “The Heavy Hitters” giving Boomerang the new name of “Outback.” When Nonstop tries to quit the team, the other members of The Heavy Hitters give pursuit. Prodigy, a member of the Heavy Hitters claims that the team has seceded from the 50 State Initiative. Prodigy is over powered, but Telemetry and Nonstop capture the entire incident on video to show that the Initiative is not as great as Norman Osborn has claimed it to be.

With the help of the Avengers Resistance, Nonstop and Telemetry escape and go into hiding, taking Debrii with them. Debrii briefly picks up a career in Paris as a Judge on the show TV talent show Superpouvior.

During the events of Fear Itself storyline, Debrii was joined by fellow former members of the New Warriors, Rage and Slapstick, when Prodigy held a meeting regarding magical hammers that have crashed into the Earth. She and Rage appear rescuing survivors and help the team in their battle against Thor Girl, who had recovered her designate powers.

Height: 5’6
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Powers: Debrii is capable of moving objects that are around her telekinetically. However, she is limited in her powers, so that it is only small objects, in which she is able to manipulate.

However, the limit to which “how much” small stuff she is capable of manipulating remains unknown. For example, she used perhaps tons of small pieces of metal to form a giant, robotic Terrax and displayed incredible control over its robotic limbs.

Accessories: None.

Note: It’s interesting to note that Debrii sometimes (usually when referencing her super hero persona) speaks in the third person. It is unknown if this was done to intentionally disturb the New Warriors further (mostly Namorita), or if this is natural for her.

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Black History Month Celebrates – Aegis.

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Real Name: Trey Jason Rollins
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Student, Crime Fighter
Citizenship: American Citizen, with no known criminal record.
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York
Known Relatives: Mother (Unknown Name)
Group Affiliation: New Warriors (formerly, inactive)
First Appearance: (Rollins) New Warriors v2 #0 as (Aegis) New Warriors v2 #1
History: Trey Rollins grew up in a gang infested area of Brooklyn where violence was a part of everyday life. Most notable were two rival gangs called Born 2 Die and Lobo’s Boys. On his way to school one day, Trey heard something and followed it to an abandoned warehouse where he found the golden breastplate of Aegis.

Trey took up the breastplate and waged his war against crime and gangs in the area, earning himself a reputation among the people as a hero. Sometime later, when the New Warriors engaged in a battle against Blaastar, Nova got knocked out, landing in front of Aegis. Two fans of Aegis, young men named Lester and Payton tell Aegis that he has to help the New Warriors against Blaastar. Nova comes back to the battle, carrying Aegis, who helps them fight against Blaastar, finally defeating him.

Aegis continues to fight along side the New Warriors, becoming a member of the young group. However, several times Aegis is pulled between his loyalty to his teammates and his loyalty to his friend, James, who has joined the Lobo’s Boys gang. One such decision nearly costs Bolt his life, when a roof collapsed, and Aegis chose to protect James, who in turn thanked him and the New Warriors by throwing a live grenade to escape.

James even lead Lobo’s Boys to the Crashpad, and with weapons supplied by Joe Silvermane, destroyed the New Warriors Crashpad headquarters. The Warriors are given a new headquarters at an abandoned Firehouse, supplied by Dalton, who in truth is Firestrike.

At a pub, Hercules sees a news cast of the New Warriors, along with Aegis, fighting Mutant Force. Recognizing the breastplate, Hercules makes a point of finding Aegis. Locating them at their Firehouse base, Hercules teleports the Warriors up to Olympus to accuse Trey of stealing Aegis. Trey explains he didn’t steal it and that he found it, which Zeus confirms. Athena arrives and explains that she left it for Trey to find, and that he would be her new selected champion. Then, with a wave of magic, Athena adorns Trey in a more appropriate outfit.

In the end, the Warriors decide that together, they will continue to fight the fight that other heroes refuse to fight.

For reasons yet unknown, when the New Warriors resurfaced some time later, Aegis was not a part of the roster. It could be speculated that he has returned to fighting the fight in the gang infested area of Brooklyn from which he got his start.

When the Registration Act was put through after the actions of Civil War, Aegis agreed and signed up.

Aegis later died during a fight with the Huntsman, when he jumped out of a twelve story window. Despite his faith and belief in Athena, the breastplate was unable to save Aegis. He was, however, later seen in Erebus (which was portrayed as a Casino), where souls seek a chance at winning a second lease on life. Leading Hercules and Amadeus Cho through various parts of the Erebus (where people such as Namorita, Wasp, Puck, among others) who have died and gambling for “another chance at life.”

Hercules tells Amadeus Cho to seek out his own family, while Hercules tends to the trial of Zeus put on by Pluto. Aegis leads Amadeus Cho through the Afterlife, where they meet Ben Parker, Peter Parker’s uncle. Amadeus Cho learns that though his parents died in the explosion as he suspected; his sister is apparently still alive. He leaves Aegis behind, furious.

Height: 6?
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

Powers: None

Accessories: The Aegis Breastplate allows Trey to use its power to deflect anything directed at him, so long as he is aware of it. It has, however, been shown that he can be surprised by a hit from behind. The breastplate also enables him to control how the force field is to look, whether encompassing him, or projecting it forward in a rectangle format. The force field has withstood everything from gunshots, to high weapon technology guns, even to withstanding the powerful and brutal punches of the demigod, Hercules.

As well, as being able to deflect anything directed at him, the Aegis breastplate allowed Aegis to absorb energy attacks (as seen when they initially battled Blaastar, he absorbed Bolt’s excessive electrical attacks).

The limits in which the Aegis breastplate is capable of withstanding still remains unknown; although being a gift from the Greek Goddess, Athena, it can probably withstand just about anything directed at it.

Note: An interesting fact is that the same breastplate, according to Athena once belonged to Perseus, which was used to slay Medusa. Though Aegis is seen with the Breastplate in the after life, it was revealed that a physical version of it also exists.

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