Black Lives Matter. Justice for George Floyd.

You can download the full version here.

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Celebrating 30 Years of The New Warriors.

Corey who runs the New Warriors Continuity Conundrum (click the link to check out his site!) did an amazing write up entitled: 30 Years of Changing The World: Celebrating the Anniversary of the New Warriors.

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Amazing Night Thrasher cake!

Alex Brumfield share this amazing cake that his friend, Matt Whitlatch had made for him!

Come see this and much more in the New Warriors Facebook Group.

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We now have a glimpse how that original New Warriors spin off might have looked.

Fabian shared this:

A couple weeks ago there was some discussion about the spin-off plans I had for the New Warriors post issue #50 which were scuttled by internal discussions and market realities of the time.

I couldn’t recall exactly how I had planned to break the teams down, but I knew I’d gone through several possibilities.

Cleaning stuff in the basement today, I found this 25+ year old loose note that had some (of several) possibilities jotted down.

Notes Fabian found while cleaning the garage basement!
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The New New Warriors Revealed.

Marvel released a Youtube Video that highlights the newest members of the New Warriors and the writer provides some additional details. Additionally, at the same time, Marvel released an article on their website that provided even more information.

So from left to right we have: Screentime, Snowflake, Safespace, B-Negative and Trailblazer.

Note: Keep in mind those profiles are obviously a work in progress and I hope that the series reveals more information about that that I can use to fill out the profile further.

Daniel Kibblesmith, the writer of the upcoming (new) New Warriors series mentioned that he intentionally used “Internet Slang” for most of their names (Screentime: implying how much one is connected to the internet/their mobile device; Snowflake: a slang for indicating someone is “fragile”; Safespace: a term to indicate those who feel prosecuted for their gender, race, orientation, etc., can come to an area where they will not be judged). B-Negative, is an obvious pun on a blood type, but also “be negative.” And Trailblazer, he said was because she always charges into battle and ready for anything.

It’s undoubtedly no coincidence, that Snowflake (whose gender is identified as non-binary, and refer to themselves as “they/them”) is the twin to the one person who could always protect them (as the jock) named “Safespace.”

We’re told how B-Negative comes to their powers; as well as Screentime (though I am not sure what “being exposed to experimental internet gas” means?). Trailblazer is noted to have a magical backpack (so I assume, she will be similar to Shaman of Alpha Flight?) And the twins, there’s no note about how they have their powers (whether it was an experiment or if like Aurora and Northstar, they’re mutant twins).

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The New Warriors (V3) that almost happened.

Danny Donavan and Jeremy Rock proposed their version of what would have been a volume 3 of the New Warriors back in (near the end of?) 2001. A recent discussion on the New Warriors group reminded me of it – and I finally found the files. Figured I’d share for those that never saw this.

So what happened?


1st: At Marvel you had two projects reported heavily in the fan press; New Warriors with art by Jeremy Rock, and Cloak & Dagger with art by Tom Derenick. What happened with New Warriors?

Danny: Things just kind of fell through, as they are wont to do in this business. Jeremy got a great offer at Avatar and couldn’t wait anymore. So he went on to do some amazing things you’ll see very soon! (Check out now!)

1st: What happened with Cloak & Dagger?

Danny: Another one of those things about missing the right time right place. Tom is doing incredible things over at DC,Smallville is just a great book. And fans of the show, and of Superman should pick it up if they aren’t already

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Roland Paris & New Warriors!

Mike Moran shared some New Warriors art he got from Roland Paris –

This created a mystery as where these pages had appeared before – I had not recognized them, and no one on the New Warriors group seemed familiar with it. I began searching for any reference of the New Warriors having encountered either Sasquatch or Wendigo (by the looks of the hand grabbing Firestar) – and was told that there’d been another splash page of Wendigo holding Firestar.

So I paid a visit to Roland Paris’ DeviantArt page – and discovered the pages there (though it’s missing the page above where we see Firestar being grabbed).

And there… in the comments I found my answer.

Hobbyist General Artist
Hey there. Loving these New Warriors pages. Instant fav. I see that they’re for Marvel Online. Is there a date of release or anything? I wouldn’t mind reading the story. Cheers.
Oct 22, 2010

RolandParis’s avatar
Professional General Artist
I am not sure, but I know that the first issue came oout a few months ago. The story is in limbo right now. The second half has been completed, but the third and fourth episodes are yet to be written, and I have no idea if they ever will be.
Thanks for all the favs on them!! I truly appreciate that you like what Carlos and I did!
Oct 22, 2010

Daydreamings’s avatar
Hobbyist General Artist
Hey thanks for the reply. I such a fan of the original team, I was so excited to see a new story with them in it. I had a look at the online stuff but I couldn’t see it listed. Must have been taken down.

wow, when did this come out, is it even out yet? I love classic New Warriors stuff!
Oct 1, 2010

RolandParis’s avatar
Professional General Artist
It is a web comic on Marvel’w site… there were two issues that I assume have seen the web so far, but only one that I know of for sure, and that is the pages you see. It is a four part series, but parts 3&4 have been delayed for some reason.

I also discovered that no longer exists and does not have any valid/working previews in 2010 for the website – making recovering the actual pages with dialogue impossible. But it was good to know where it finally came from.

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Writer Daniel Kibblesmith on New Warriors

Daniel Kibblesmith’s interview in entirety can be seen here on

I just wanted to capture the segments that relate to the New Warriors.

The cool kids growing up in the ’90s had Doc Martens, Starter jackets, Nirvana queued on their Discman, and, most importantly, copies of Fabian Nicieza and Mark Bagley‘s NEW WARRIORS.

Daniel Kibblesmith was not one of these cool kids.

“I think, at the time, I thought [NEW WARRIORS] was a title for someone hipper than me, kids who could take and throw punches and maybe even swear,” recalls the former Late Show with Stephen Colbert writer, who made his biggest mark on Marvel to date with the launch of last year’s LOKI. “I knew they were cool. No, really, that’s the main thing I knew. When I started reading comics, it was mostly X-Men reprints and my dad’s Silver Age collection, so the New Warriors were intimidating as hell to my seven-year-old brain. During that period, I was still getting the lay of Marvel’s land, so I was blowing my allowance on anything with Spider-Man on the cover. The most comparable title to suck me in was SLEEPWALKER, whose weird Muppety-scarecrow vibe clicked with me more than the aggressive overt NOW-ness of NEW WARRIORS.”

Jump ahead to 2020 and Kibblesmith has finally scored a spot among the in crowd as architect of a NEW WARRIORS limited series reuniting many of the original volume’s key players.

Teaming with artist Luciano Vecchio of IRONHEART fame, Daniel drops several new recruits into action with founders like Firestar, Night Thrasher, Speedball, and Rage in the wake of OUTLAWED altering the landscape for teenage heroes.

“I knew we wanted the core cast from the earliest issues, but there’s been so many deaths and resurrections and new line-ups over the years,” he explains. “It meant that a lot of more recent NW members that I have a soft-spot for might not make it into the book, even as a cameo. But other than Nova being out in space doing Nova stuff, I wanted to rope in the classic fans with a platonic ideal roster that they’d recognize.”

This also required the writer to hit the books himself. The classic NEW WARRIORS volume helmed by Nicieza for its first 50 issues—first with Bagley, later alongside Darick Robertson and others—holds a hallowed place in the memories of many fans for the way it tackled salient social issues while also evolving core characters such as Namorita and Justice into full-fledged stars.

“Most of the biggest-name New Warriors characters existed before and beyond they were formed into that team, which is true of the Avengers as well,” says Kibblesmith, showing off his newfound knowledge of the canon. “Plus, their first appearance [in THOR (1966) #411412 by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz] is going up against Juggernaut, which is a very Avengers-style origin, forming to face a big threat that no one else is around to handle. I think in the Warriors’ case it’s less ‘accidental’ and they’re clearly a team from Jump Street—teen crime fighting reference.

“But that’s still the vibe, plus the mission statement that follows right after: Fighting the crime the Avengers can’t or won’t. So, since these characters are all part of the Marvel Universe, I was pretty familiar with all of them from popping up in other titles, because that’s how it works. And obviously, I knew Firestar from the cartoons and her mutant-adjacent adventures. From there it was just my privilege to go back and read as much NW content as possible to get a feel for their interplay, their dynamic, who hates who, who kisses who, and who’s dead. Spoiler: Turns out being dead is not disqualifying when you’re a New Warrior.”

Pushing past their early days, the Warriors have gained notoriety in the modern era as the impetus behind CIVIL WAR, as an incident involving Speedball and friends kickstarted that particular series of events. Like the struggle between Cap and Iron Man over Super Hero civil liberties, OUTLAWED looks at the responsibility of characters like the Warriors to the public they protect.

“The Marvel Universe is always trying to legislate its heroes and register its mutants and it never goes smoothly,” Kibblesmith notes. “So OUTLAWED is a chance to cast heroes defined by their youth and their Capital-A ‘Attitude’ as the grown-ups for a change, and reveal new sides to their personalities and new weaknesses and threats that emerge when they try to level up.

“[The New Warriors are] going to have more experience dealing with this kind of big, political, sweeping change than Power Pack or the Champions. They’re not kids; they’re young adults. At this point in their careers, some of them have died and been resurrected, they’ve been churned through the justice system—‘That’s a pun, son.’ Also, cancer, fertility issues, grad school—and that’s just Firestar. The way we see it, these characters are older than the Young Avengers, but younger than Spider-Man. They’re old enough to see the adults’ point-of-view and have experience from their mistakes and a lot to lose. They don’t want to see other young heroes end up dead or in jail the way they did.”

Daniel remains a relative newcomer to writing comics, and sees this series as another opportunity to ease into a medium of which he has long been a fan.

“Even though I write almost exclusively for visual media and collaborators, comics are the only place where I get to co-direct with the artist a little, and suggest how I see the story being told, hopefully inspiring them and laying some track before they take the reins, and inevitably do something a zillion times cooler. In this case, Luciano Vecchio has been a dream to work with. He’s giving the Warriors a look that spins from classic Marvel house style, to Disney, to manga, and then again into an insane synthesis of all three. There’s no other comic out that looks like this, and you can tell how much he loves these characters.”

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New Warriors (and Power Pack) Previews!

Here’s a glimpse of the upcoming New Warriors #1 as well as Power Pack #1 (since Alex Power was a member of the New Warriors, I figured I’d include their preview). The New Warriors preview contains no dialogue, while the Power Pack one does.

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Marvel Legends

Seems like now is a good time to be a New Warriors fan. Not too surprisingly, we got a Nova (Rich Rider) figure for Marvel Legends as a part of the Guardians of the Galaxy set; but we also got a Nova (Sam Alexander) figure as well. Again, not very surprising as Nova (Sam Alexander) was pushed pretty hard in Marvel. Now what is surprising is getting a Night Thrasher figure. And now they’re saying there’s a Rage figure in the 2020 Marvel Legends line coming out! We may, over time, eventually get most of the New Warriors as figures, from the original run (or at least the original team members; such as Namorita and Speedball). Will there be a Silhouette in the near future too? One can definitely hope! In the mean time; check out below…

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