Another addition: Diamondhead

Diamondhead has been added.

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Site Additions.

Added some characters:

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Darkhawk: Heart of the Hawk #1 on sale April 14, 2021.

It would seem Darkhawk is getting another one-shot. One story to take part in his past, one issue to speak of his current cosmic status, and a third to open the door to new possibilities according to Kyle Higgins (the writer).

Higgins also said: “As someone slightly newer to Darkhawk — certainly compared to Danny, Mike and Dan — I’m incredibly honored and excited for the opportunity to build a story that both celebrates what Danny, Mike, Dan and so many other fantastic creators have built over the last thirty years… while also setting course for the future.”


When teenager Chris Powell discovered a mysterious amulet, he was transformed into the armored spacefaring hero known as Darkhawk. Now, Danny Fingeroth and Mike Manley reunite to revisit the beginning of Darkhawk’s saga.

“It’s an understatement to say that I’m thrilled to team up once again with the great Mike Manley to reveal an untold tale of Darkhawk’s earliest days,” Fingeroth said. “Hawkamaniacs are always asking me when we’ll be returning to the character we established, and I’m glad to have the opportunity to once again tap into the Darkhawk magic with Mike. Hope everybody enjoys this new tale of the high-flying, amulet-wielding hero!”

Next up, writer Dan Abnett, known for penning Darkhawk’s years as a cosmic adventurer during his “War of Kings” epic, returns to Marvel Comics with a thrilling story, featuring art by Andrea Di Vito (ANNIHILATION).

“When I was asked to write a story celebrating Darkhawk’s thirtieth (!) anniversary, I was happy to oblige – especially as it was chance to revisit the cosmic part of his career when I put him out among the stars with the likes of Nova and the Guardians,” Abnett said. “And I enjoyed it more than I imagined — I had forgotten what a great, lonely, determined hero he was. I also love the fact that this special reflects the different ages of Darkhawk’s thirty-year odyssey, bringing back creators who created him and helped shape him through every stage of his adventures. He may be turning thirty, but it’s been quite a ride and, for Darkhawk, the future is just beginning…”

Kyle Higgins (RISE OF ULTRAMAN) sets the stage for Darkhawk’s future adventures.

“As someone slightly newer to Darkhawk — certainly compared to Danny, Mike and Dan — I’m incredibly honored and excited for the opportunity to build a story that both celebrates what Danny, Mike, Dan and so many other fantastic creators have built over the last thirty years… while also setting course for the future,” Higgins said.

From street-level vigilante to cosmic defender, Darkhawk has proven to be one of Marvel’s most unpredictable and resilient heroes. See what’s next to come for this beloved character when DARKHAWK: HEART OF THE HAWK #1 hits stands in April!

Coming out April 14, 2021.
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Issues of Crashpad Chronicles added!

It’s difficult to believe that when I started my New Warriors page back on Geocities, then created an eGroup (which eventually became Yahoo Groups) which was full of New Warriors fans and a very active list that I’d never got a copy of these wonderful fanzines called Crashpad Chronicles: The Unofficial New Warriors Newsletter. As it turns out the fanzine was born out of – and this should date us all – an AOL (that’s America Online, google it you young kids who don’t know what that was!) message board!

Well, thanks to social media (and the New Warriors Facebook Group I created), Kurt Onstad mentioned it – and scanned the first issue (with plans to scan the others he has). I got the OK from Jeff Hidek to put these on the site.

Jeff Hidek and Jon Rizzo were the main editors. Cami Benham contributed to the first issue.

Special thanks to Mike Carroll for getting me issues 2 and 3, as well as a blank crossword from the previous issue. Please check out his website and his blog.

Check out the Crashpad Chronicles!

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The new NEW WARRIORS cancelled?

The unusual silence certainly makes it feel that way. All the way back in Feb 2020, we got a preview of the new New Warriors series. Daniel Kibblesmith even spoke about the series back in Feb 2020. The following month, we finally learned the name of these new New Warriors, who would be trained by some of the original, including Night Thrasher, Namorita and Firestar.

Online, there was some backlash about the character names, and their general appearances. And then Covid-19 happened – and the entire world was placed on hold. Things were delayed as the world tried to figure out how to move forward. Originally, the New Warriors would have tied into the Outlaw event happening – and that was placed on hold. But that seems to have finally began moving forward, many months later – but there’s no news from Marvel or the creative team that was behind this new New Warriors series.

It reminds me when back in April 2017, news broke that the New Warriors were headed to TV. A few days later, we found out who was on the show and who was cast as the characters. Roughly, six months later, FREEFORM who was supposed to pick up the show, decided not to. A year later, the Facebook page (that used to belong to me and they took over the URL) was killed off and the news died.

That same, deafening silence, seems to be the fate of the latest new New Warriors series.

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Kyle Vanderneut wrote a series of articles called “Why do people love the New Warriors?”

They’re definitely worth the read – so I figured I’d like them here.

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Updates from RJ Tannehill’s Night Thrasher Cosplay.

We recently showed off the Night Thrasher helmet RJ completed.

Here’s some more…

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How the New Warriors might have been the Young Avengers.

Oliver De Guzman posted a photo snipbit from the Marvel: The Untold Story which talks about Liefeld, Valentino, Larsen, McFarlane, and the rest of the folks who would go on to begin Image Comics.

This started a conversation about New Warriors volume 2 which included Nova, which at the same time, had Nova being written and drawn by Erik Larsen. This evolved into Tyler Ouellette pointing out that Liefeld was involved in a pitch for Young Avengers which would have used Marvel Boy (now Justice) and Firestar.

Digging into this, I found Rob’s site that discusses this on Rob Liefeld Creations where he discusses the Young Avengers pitch that he and Valentino were interested in doing. (Click the Young Avengers pitch to go to Rob’s site).

I wanted to capture some of it here –

The blog was posted April 26, 2010. And Rob specifically mentions that Tom Brevoort posted it on his blog on (which no longer works) and that he’d not seen it in 22 years. Which means this was pitched around 1988, pre-dating the New Warriors, we would eventually go on to see in Thor #411/412.

The roster to what they proposed is uncannily similar to what we see in New Warriors…

It was a pitch that Jim Valentino and I produced back in the late 80’s for a YOUNG AVENGERS title. Marvel editorial had suggested that they were looking for a Young Avengers title and Jim and I jumped at the chance to land what f0r us was a dream gig. At the time I had just completed two issues for Marvel’s Atlantis Attacks storyline, one of which featured NAMORITA, the cousin of Namor, Sub-Mariner. I love drawing youthful characters and minor characters with untapped potential and wanted to continue drawing Namorita in some fashion. I also have always loved underwater characters such as Aquaman, so our pitch heavily featured Namorita and the Atlantean supporting casts. The rest of the proposed cast, Speedball, Vance Astro, Nova, Speedball and Firestar were favorites of both Jim and myself, we really thought we could have produced a popular new series with a cast that marvelous! We filled the pitch with tons of new characters, Cougar, Brahma, Rebound, Gridlock, Spectra, Lynx, Combat and Photon, many of whom would eventually find their way to Youngblood, Shadowhawk and many other titles from Image comics. Valentino and I shared a studio at the time, one of my favorite periods of my comics career, and we the week that we took to create the Young Avengers proposal was filled with powerful energy and enthusiasm that I can recall even to this day. It was a blast.

I was offered New Mutants as a permanent gig while we waited for word from Marvel about the status of our proposal. I had been offered the Hulk during that period as well, but ultimately turned that gig down in hopes of landing either Young Avengers or keeping the New Mutants assignment which still had a few months before I would need to begin work on it. Both Jim and myself were gainfully employed by Marvel at this point, we were working regularly, but were determined to at least try and create this unique opportunity for ourselves.

Then one day the phone rang and on the other line was Mark Gruenwald, the man who had hired me on the spot a few years earlier at Wonder Con. Mark was one one of the brightest, wisest people in the comics industry. He was also refreshingly bold. He reminded me that I had been offered a plum assignment on New Mutants and that I should in his words ” take the bird in hand rather than the one in the bush.” Powerful words even to this day. I stressed to him my passion for Young Avengers and he said that even if Marvel were to proceed with a Young Avengers title, it would be a ways down the road, at least a year’s time. He reiterated his statement about “the bird in the hand” and stressed that I focus on that upcoming assignment. Message received loud and clear. I understood Mark’s point and confirmed that I would accept New Mutants and committed to a long and healthy and somewhat unexpected run on that title. Jim and I combined our efforts on an issue of What If that featured Wolverine as an Agent of Shield. It remains a fan fave to this day, I see that issue of What If as often as Youngblood, New Mutants and Captain America’s when I sign at shows. Valentino and I had a great chemistry, he was very much the teacher and I was the eager student.

Turns out that by splitting the baby as it were, Marvel received not one but two successful books as Valentino was handed the reigns of Guardians of the Galaxy which resulted in the longest and best selling run that title had ever seen. So by not accepting our Young Avengers, Marvel received Guardians, New Mutants and X-Force in return. Not a bad swap but I can’t help but wonder What If?

I was able to confirm with Rob, that this pre-dated what the Editors had planned for New Warriors.

We were grabbing the young heroes available to us. As you know this predates New Warriors by quite some time.

(I had to do it through my Comic Relief Podcast page, because it would seem, for some reason, he has blocked my New Warriors Twitter account? Not entirely sure why, I don’t think I ever engaged in conversation with him from the New Warriors account).

Using Archive.Org – I was able to access Tom’s blog post, that Rob refers to. He notes something that seems to contradict that Rob & Jim’s plan for Young Avengers was something before the New Warriors were planned.

Back around 2005, we made a bit of a splash with a series titled YOUNG AVENGERS. Before the series launched, fearful fans decried it, expecting it to be terrible. But the proof was in the pudding, and fandom as a whole quickly came around to embracing Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung’s new young characters.

But this was not the first time that a YOUNG AVENGERS series had been pitched.

Over to the left you’ll find a document that’s been sitting in my files for decades, since the time I first inherited the editorship of NEW WARRIORS back around 1993. It’s a pitch submitted by Jim Valentino and Rob Liefeld for a series to be called YOUNG AVENGERS. At the time this was written in 1989, while both of them had dabbled in doing Marvel work, neither creator had really had a break-out hit. Sharing a studio at the time, they hoped that YOUNG AVENGERS might be it, with Jim writing and Rob illustrating a series they would co-plot.

As it turned out, work was already underway on the book that eventually was entitled NEW WARRIORS, which prevented this incarnation of YOUNG AVENGERS from moving ahead. It’s actually pretty extraordinary to see how close the line-up for what Jim and Rob proposed was to the eventual NEW WARRIORS team. Mark Gruenwald’s internal memo to proposing editor Craig Anderson letting him know about this is also reproduced on the left.

Many of the ideas, characters and concepts that Jim and Rob conceived for this pitch eventually wound up in the assorted projects they later worked on–NEW MUTANTS, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, X-FORCE and even a couple of Image titles. So the conceptual work they had done here didn’t exactly go to waste, even if this turned out to be the wrong pitch at the wrong time for reasons unbeknownst to them.

But it does show what a series pitch for a new Marvel title more-or-less looked like at around the time I started. Special thanks to Rob Liefeld for allowing me to share this document with you. (I also still have Warren Ellis’s pitch to take over NEW WARRIORS circa 1993–I’ll have to check with him and see if he’;d have any objections to sharing that document with the world as well.) More later.

Tom B

Jim Valentino also responded to Tom’s blog post –

With Tom’s kind permission, I’ll respond.

Rob and I had no clue about the New Warriors (as I recall the introductory Thor story was just being penciled at the time). We did exactly what I assume DeFalco did and just cobbled together every teen-age hero at Marvel at the time that WASN’T in the X-Men or New Mutants.

The coincidence was shocking to ALL sides. I do not believe that there was any subtext to Mark’s note to Craig, either. Sorry to blow holes in your theories, but there it is. These things happen more often than you can imagine as Tom B will no doubt attest. And, yes, MyWords, you’re correct–as noted above. This preceded Fabian and mark’s involvement with the characters.

jc, I doubt it had any bearing on the creation of the later book (which was excellent)–as Tom notes, it had been lost in a drawer for over two decades!

Rob and I had no clue about the New Warriors when I wrote this. The fact of the matter is, as Tom points out, we were both looking for a break-out book, we wanted to collaborate on something and this was one of five or six pitches I had for Tom and Mark (including the Guardians of the Galaxy). Sometimes there is no conspiracy, merely coincidence. This was one of those times.

Thanks to Tom for posting this–I haven’t seen it since it left my hands (it was typed on an old Royal typewriter!).

Interesting to see a blast from the past.

Thank you for resurrecting it, Tom.

Very strange to see it after all these years.

best, jim

Unfortunately, Archive only had one of the images of the proposal that it could access:

Just thought that was some interesting history, of what almost was.

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Doug Smith – Strikes Again! Awhile ago, actually.

As I noted in my synopsis of Nova #23 (V5) – the NovaPrimePage, run by Doug Smith can clearly be seen on Richard Rider’s screen.

Well, I just found out that Doug Smith himself – made an appearance as one of the Nova Corp in Nova #7 (Annihilation Conquest).

From Doug himself…

The biggest highlight for me as a long time Nova fan came in 2007 when Nova #7 came out.

The issue’s artist, Brian Denham, liked my Nova Prime Page website and wanted to draw me into the comic as a Nova!!!

So I sent him a pic and Brian designed a cool looking character around my giant bobblehead! (I’m the one in the lower right corner of the panel, ya wiseguys).

Brian recently did a commission of the character and it arrived today!!! I’m all giddy!!!

Well, until Sheila mentioned that Brian appears to have used some “creative license” on my physique.

Sigh…she breaks wind beneath my wings…

Check this out…

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Stephen Scott shared this about his all too brief time on New Warriors.

The original post is found here or here.

Marvel comics enthusiasts will get this.

Back in 1999, I was lucky enough to be picked to draw the second series of New Warriors.

I did this while still working my full time job as a Fire Fighter so, I was pulling work weeks that averaged between 90 to 100 hours per week. I was able pull off doing this with a more exaggerated, fun, cartoon like style. It’s faster and more efficient. Still, a LOT of hours at the board.

Anyway, this issue of the series marked a very special moment for me. As a long time fan of Marvel Comics, I was now in that special group that got to create a corner box for a series. This is something that’s just not done anymore at Marvel but, man…I really miss it.This series was written by the super talented Jay Faerber and I was fortunate to be able to pick the equally talented Walden Wong as my ink artist. So, I believe this was his first corner box as well.The art on this is long gone but I believe I will be doing a recreation of the box (Speedball) with Marvel comics logo and all once I’m done with work next week.

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