Some Updates Scattered About.

The New Warriors Talk / New Warriors Continuity Conundrum patreon had me wanting to also update the site here. Wait – you missed the Patreon thing? Well, first go look at that – I will wait here.

Oh, good! You’re back! So, yes, as I was saying – I wanted to do some updates here, especially while on the holiday vacation. So Aegis got a new profile picture as well as some small updates (clarification) about his appearances (as a spirit) in the Hercules series. Justice hasn’t appeared much after the latest New Warriors volume, but I did take the time to update his profile picture as well. Alex Power got an update, with some brief mentions of the Future Foundation (I don’t have the issues, so I don’t have a lot of the details), and got the name updated from “Power House” (which Franklin Richards adopted during Future Foundation) and updated the name to his current (as far as I know) handle of Zero-G. There’s also the somewhat complicated Namorita who got some updates and clarification/notes as well as a mention about her appearance in Annihilation Scourge. Nova got an update that includes Annihilation Scourge. Both Speedball and Rage appeared in Annihilation Scourge as well. Rage is turning out to be a bit like Namorita, where he’s seen – seemingly dying – but then being seen again (thankfully) alive (in Annihilation Scourge). His “death” could be exaggerated by simply stating how durable his skin is that he didn’t actually “die” with the Poison thing. Silhouette got a pretty good update, with her appearances in Ironheart. Darkhawk (the one who may have even a more complicated origin than Namorita) also got a small update. Hindsight Lad got a new profile picture, as did Slapstick and Ultra Girl and the Scarlet Spiders. And last but not least, Debrii got a very small update (about her time as a judge for a television show in France).

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Help @NewWarriorsTalk / New Warriors Continuity Conundrum!

From our good friend Corey at NewWarriorsTalk/New Warriors Continuity Conundrum!

Hey all, I want you all to be among the first to hear about a new thing I’m doing both for my @NewWarriorsTalk Twitter account and my New Warriors Continuity Conundrum website. Please forgive my wordiness.

For some context: Financially, we’re not doing well. My wife has several chronic health issues, which result in very erratic expenses. Budgeting is very tricky. We were already just skating by. Then the day before Thanksgiving, our parked car was hit and it was deemed a total loss. Honestly, I wasn’t sure if we were going to make it to January. But we did. Huge relief.

But I need to reassess expenses and shore up money where I can. At the same time, 2020 is the 30th anniversary of the first New Warriors comic book, and 20th anniversary of my New Warriors site!

I don’t want to give up my site or this Twitter account. It’s been an absolute joy to meet and interact with other fans, talk with creators, form friendships, and share my love of these characters and raise awareness about their history.

I want to celebrate the New Warriors big this year. And with the aforementioned financial challenges, I could really use your help. So, I’ve created a Patreon account where you can become a supporting member and get exclusive content.

I’m so excited to be starting this because it will allow me to start doing video commentaries. I’m opening up access to my massive spreadsheet with all the info I use to track anniversaries, story order, creator credits and so much more. And that’s just to start!

All the free content I’ve been posting will continue to be free and accessible to everyone. But if you want to support what I do, support my championing and celebrating the New Warriors, and you want to get even more back for it! Now you can!

I hope you’ll join me on this journey. Whether you can become a member or not, having your support means the world. You can read more about the whole thing, including seeing my face on video (!) here:

Visit the NewWarriorsTalk/New Warriors Continuity Conundrum Patreon!

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Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy Nova Prime Pop! Vinyl Figure

In the words of The Avengers: EndGame… Whatever it takes.

Pop! Vinyl is releasing a Rich Rider, Nova figure tied to the Guardians of the Galaxy line of figures. While Nova, really (until very recently) has not been tied to the Guardians of the Galaxy comic (the Nova Corp however was seen in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie) – we’re finally getting one of the members of the New Warriors as a Pop Vinyl figure – and if it requires being attached to Guardians of the Galaxy to get it done – I am very all right with that!

The figure itself (seen here) looks absolutely amazing. Although tied to the Guardians of the Galaxy line, that doesn’t leave a lot of room for the other members of the New Warriors – currently – to make their debut in the Pop Vinyl figures (other than possibly Sam Alexander, as another Guardians of the Galaxy release). There’s an exclusive version of this Nova figure that comes with a variant “cover” comic – which jumps the price from the standard 10 to 12 dollars per figure – up to 80 dollars. That’s a pretty steep price to pay for a figure – but if you’re interested, it’s out there.

The figure is due to be released in August.

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Happy 29th Birthday to New Warriors #1.

Corey Blake, who runs the New Warriors Continuity Conundrum as well as the Let’s Talk New Warriors Twitter account reminded me that it’s the 29th Birthday of New Warriors #1.

I remember reading New Warriors #1 when it first came out. I was an avid collector of Thor so, I got to see the New Warriors make their debut there. I immediately recognized Namorita from the pages of Sub-Mariner, Nova from his 25 issue run of his own series, Firestar from the Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends animated series (and how, by the way, is that not out on DVD/BluRay yet?) and Uncanny X-Men (where she officially made her first appearance in comics many years after she appeared in the cartoon). Marvel Boy I didn’t initially recognize (although I was an avid reader of Avengers), and Speedball was completely foreign to me. But because of the obscure characters I did recognize (Night Thrasher made his first appearance in the issue before) – and if you know me, I love obscure characters. The Internet was pretty new to the world, and so I did searches for New Warriors online and couldn’t find anything. So I launched a site – very, very, very primitive on Geocities (now gone, absorbed by Yahoo) and opened an eGroup (also gone, and absorbed by Yahoo, to become Yahoo Groups) for the New Warriors. A few years back, I uploaded the banners I used for the site. You can see those here. As the Internet evolved, I tried to keep up – my wife purchased me the domain for – I launched a Facebook page (and Facebook Group more recently). You can see a brief recap, because that was 19 years ago I launched

You can read a synopsis of every issue of the New Warriors on this site. Want to celebrate Issue #1? You can read about it here.

What should we do for the 30th year? I’d love to hear some ideas. I was thinking everyone could meet on the New Warriors Discord Channel I made, and we could just voice chat about the New Warriors and record it, and I could make it a part of the super, ultra-rare New Warriors podcast thing I do every other-other blue moon.

  • Tawmis
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Nova movie in the works for MCU?

People who have enjoyed Marvel’s “Space Adventures” from the last few years ago, have been wondering when Nova was going to be in one of these MCU movies. The Nova identity has been held by two people – Richard Rider, who was the first Nova. And later, Sam Alexander. Richard Rider, as Nova, earned a lot of attention during Nova (Volume Four) which tied to the Annihilation event. Nova (Volume Five) continued Nova’s push, and included Annihilation Conquest, The Initiative, among other events.

Nova (Volume Six) saw the introduction of Sam Alexander assuming the role of Nova, with Richard Rider having apparently died “in the Cancerverse” sacrificing himself. Sam was not accepted by a wide variety of people because they saw him as the replacement for Richard Rider. A younger, more relate-able person for younger comic book readers. I wrote a piece about how Sam Alexander, as a character definitely deserves a chance to be recognized as a great character, despite my desire for Richard Rider’s return back then.

Nova (Volume Eight) brought the return of Richard Rider and had him briefly working with Sam Alexander, as he dealt with the results of surviving the Cancerverse. Tragically, the series was cut short.

Learn all about Nova below:

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New Warriors Volume One – Issues 26-50.

Click on the THUMBNAILS of the cover to read the Synopsis of the issue. Within the Synopsis will be another thumbnail. Clicking on that will result in a larger version of the cover. Consider helping keep the site ad free by using our Affiliate Link! New Warriors (V1)

New Warriors Vol.1 - #26
New Warriors Vol.1 - #27
New Warriors Vol.1 - #28

New Warriors Vol.1 - #29
New Warriors Vol.1 - #30
New Warriors Vol.1 - #31
New Warriors Vol.1 - #32

New Warriors Vol.1 - #33
New Warriors Vol.1 - #34
New Warriors Vol.1 - #35
New Warriors Vol.1 - #36

New Warriors Vol.1 - #37
New Warriors Vol.1 - #38
New Warriors Vol.1 - #39
New Warriors Vol.1 - #40

New Warriors Vol.1 - #41
New Warriors Vol.1 - #42
New Warriors Vol.1 - #43
New Warriors Vol.1 - #44

New Warriors Vol.1 - #45
New Warriors Vol.1 - #46
New Warriors Vol.1 - #47
New Warriors Vol.1 - #48

New Warriors Vol.1 - #49
New Warriors Vol.1 - #50
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Midnight Fire’s Daughter – Julia Chord.

A special thanks to Michelle Oh, who brought it to my attention that Midnight’s Fire was revealed to have a daughter named Julia Chord. In the issue she appears in, Midnight’s Fire mentions that she will have powers like him; and that his whole interest in locating his daughter (that he wasn’t aware he had), was to… Well that would be spoiling it. You can read about Julia Chord here.

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Midnight’s Fire: Updated.

After Iron Heart issues #3 and #4, which featured Midnight’s Fire as a part of the story, some things were revealed about himself, Silhouette, and what he’s been up to. As a result, the page for Midnight’s Fire has been updated.

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Synopsis of the first 25 issues of the #NewWarriors

Click on the THUMBNAILS of the cover to read the Synopsis of the issue. Within the Synopsis will be another thumbnail. Clicking on that will result in a larger version of the cover. Consider helping keep the site ad free by using our Affiliate Link! New Warriors (V1)

New Warriors Vol.1 - #1
New Warriors Vol.1 - #2
New Warriors Vol.1 - #3
New Warriors Vol.1 - #4

New Warriors Vol.1 - #5
New Warriors Vol.1 - #6
New Warriors Vol.1 - #7
New Warriors Vol.1 - #8

New Warriors Vol.1 - #9
New Warriors Vol.1 - #10
New Warriors Vol.1 - #11
New Warriors Vol.1 - #12

New Warriors Vol.1 - #13
New Warriors Vol.1 - #14
New Warriors Vol.1 - #15
New Warriors Vol.1 - #16

New Warriors Vol.1 - #17
New Warriors Vol.1 - #18
New Warriors Vol.1 - #19
New Warriors Vol.1 - #20

New Warriors Vol.1 - #21
New Warriors Vol.1 - #22
New Warriors Vol.1 - #23
New Warriors Vol.1 - #24

New Warriors Vol.1 - #25
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Added: Weapon Y

Real Name: Unknown
Aliases: None
Identity: Publicly Known
Occupation: Unknown
Citizenship: American Citizen With A Criminal Record
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: None Known
Group Affiliation: None
First Appearance: New Warriors Annual (Volume One) #3
History: Little is known about the life of the person who appeared at the New York Comic Con to threaten Fabian’s life, other than the fact that he had been previously written in one of Fabian’s comics, and was upset that in that issue, the New Warriors were written to take him down.

Weapon Y sought to make Fabian pay for the insult, but it so happened that Turbo (both Mike and Mickey) were in attendance at the convention. Mike was at the time, wearing the Turbo costume (hoping to get his ultra rare, ultra polybagged Zinc Edition of X-Force #1). When Weapon Y attacked Fabian, Mickey sprayed him down with a hose (thinking that he was an actor). When he stood up and threatened Mickey and explained he wasn’t an actor, Mike jumped into action and managed to land a solid punch on Weapon Y that seemingly rendered him unconscious. But Weapon Y turned and blasted Mike, who turned just in time; but his Zinc Edition of X-Force #1 was incinerated by the blast. This infuriated him and he defeated Weapon Y, and held him down until authorities arrived. Both Mickey and Mike were escorted out by the police, due to the comic convention attendees being furious to many of their collections were damaged and destroyed by the actions of Mike and Mickey. Weapon Y was taken away by the authorities.

His current whereabouts are unknown.

Powers: None

Armor: All of Weapon Y’s powers were derived from his armor. He was seen having super human strength, and able to emit a laser blast from his forearm gun and had a disintegrating touch.

Note: Weapon Y had a glowing left eye.

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