Featured Character: Aegis.


Real Name: Trey Jason Rollins
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Student, Crime Fighter
Citizenship: American Citizen, with no known criminal record.
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York
Known Relatives: Mother (Unknown Name)
Group Affiliation: New Warriors (formerly, inactive)
First Appearance: (Rollins) New Warriors v2 #0 as (Aegis) New Warriors v2 #1
History: Trey Rollins grew up in a gang infested area of Brooklyn where violence was a part of everyday life. Most notable were two rival gangs called Born 2 Die and Lobo’s Boys. On his way to school one day, Trey heard something and followed it to an abandoned warehouse where he found the golden breastplate of Aegis.

Trey took up the breastplate and waged his war against crime and gangs in the area, earning himself a reputation among the people as a hero. Sometime later, when the New Warriors engaged in a battle against Blaastar, Nova got knocked out, landing in front of Aegis. Two fans of Aegis, young men named Lester and Payton tell Aegis that he has to help the New Warriors against Blaastar. Nova comes back to the battle, carrying Aegis, who helps them fight against Blaastar, finally defeating him.

Aegis continues to fight along side the New Warriors, becoming a member of the young group. However, several times Aegis is pulled between his loyalty to his teammates and his loyalty to his friend, James, who has joined the Lobo’s Boys gang. One such decision nearly costs Bolt his life, when a roof collapsed, and Aegis chose to protect James, who in turn thanked him and the New Warriors by throwing a live grenade to escape.

James even lead Lobo’s Boys to the Crashpad, and with weapons supplied by Joe Silvermane, destroyed the New Warriors Crashpad headquarters. The Warriors are given a new headquarters at an abandoned Firehouse, supplied by Dalton, who in truth is Firestrike.

At a pub, Hercules sees a news cast of the New Warriors, along with Aegis, fighting Mutant Force. Recognizing the breastplate, Hercules makes a point of finding Aegis. Locating them at their Firehouse base, Hercules teleports the Warriors up to Olympus to accuse Trey of stealing Aegis. Trey explains he didn’t steal it and that he found it, which Zeus confirms. Athena arrives and explains that she left it for Trey to find, and that he would be her new selected champion. Then, with a wave of magic, Athena adorns Trey in a more appropriate outfit.

In the end, the Warriors decide that together, they will continue to fight the fight that other heroes refuse to fight.

For reasons yet unknown, when the New Warriors resurfaced some time later, Aegis was not a part of the roster. It could be speculated that he has returned to fighting the fight in the gang infested area of Brooklyn from which he got his start.

When the Registration Act was put through after the actions of Civil War, Aegis agreed and signed up.

Aegis later died during a fight with the Huntsman, when he jumped out of a twelve story window. Despite his faith and belief in Athena, the breastplate was unable to save Aegis. He was, however, later seen in Erebus (which was portrayed as a Casino), where souls seek a chance at winning a second lease on life. It was here where he joined Hercules in freeing Zeus from Hades’ imprisonment. After successfully saving Zeus, he follows Amadeus Cho to the Elysian Fields.

Height: 6′
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

Powers: None

Accessories: The Aegis Breastplate allows Trey to use its power to deflect anything directed at him, so long as he is aware of it. It has been shown that he can be surprised by a hit from behind. The breastplate also enables him to control how the force field is to look, whether encompassing him, or projecting it forward in a rectangle format. The force field has withstood everything from gunshots, to high weapon technology guns, even to withstanding the powerful and brutal punches of the demigod, Hercules. So the limits in which the Aegis breastplate is capable of withstanding still remains unknown; although being a gift from the Greek Goddess, Athena, it can probably withstand just about anything directed at it.

Note: An interesting fact is that the same breastplate, according to Athena once belonged to Perseus, which was used to slay Medusa. Though Aegis is seen with the Breastplate in the after life, it was revealed that a physical version of it also exists.

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Fabian Talks New Warriors And His Return To The Book!

Fabian talks about the Return of the New Warriors.

Fabian talks about the Return of the New Warriors.

Fabain Nicieza talks to NewWarriors.com about the return of Night Thrasher – and the return of the New Warriors – written by Fabian Nicieza!

New Warriors Dot Com: Thanks for taking the time to stop by and chat with us.

Fabian Nicieza: Thank you for having me on the site.

New Warriors Dot Com: Pleasure is all ours! So, I will address the first and most recent news that’s related to The New Warriors – how do you feel about Night Thrasher (Dwayne’s) return from the dead?

Fabian Nicieza: I had heard – though never read – the events that led to Night Thrasher’s death. People would constantly ask me what I thought of the death of several members of the New Warriors which triggered Civil War – and I’ll be honest and say, I have no opinion, because I wasn’t reading the books back then.

New Warriors Dot Com: Even though their death officially took place in Civil War?

Fabian Nicieza: I am so busy doing so many different things, I don’t have the time to read everything like I used to. When it comes to writing – I spend a lot of time doing research and making sure I have all the strings of the webs I am weaving all aligned correctly. That makes little time for casual reading.

New Warriors Dot Com: Well, Night Thrasher perished in an explosion by Nitro (which also killed Namorita and Microbe). In Christopher Yost’s run of the New Warriors he introduced a character named Watersnake who believed Namorita to be alive. And at the very end (because the series was cancelled), Namorita is seen standing with the New Warriors. And then in Contest of Champions, Night Thrasher (confirmed by Chris Robinson, an editor at Marvel) is brought back to life. Other than Richard Rider, who remains “dead” from putting a stop to the Cancerverse (though everyone else who “died” with him has since returned) – it seems like the entire team of the New Warriors is back!

Fabian Nicieza: That’s a pretty amazing coincidence, isn’t it?

New Warriors Dot Com: You’re not saying or hinting that Marvel is about to release another New Warriors book?

Fabian Nicieza: How interested would fans be in a New Warriors limited series that deals with the team getting back together – and finally addressing the issue, “Where is Richard Rider?”

New Warriors Dot Com: I think fans would lose their minds. I know there’s a lot of love for the New Warriors, especially Richard Rider.

Fabian Nicieza: I guess now is as a good time as any for me to announce that I will be writing a six issue limited series – where the New Warriors band together to search for Richard Rider.

New Warriors Dot Com: What? Are you kidding me right now?

Fabian Nicieza: Yes. It’s April 1st. No one should believe even this interview is real.

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The Crashpod #4 – The All New Crashpod.

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So you’re probably wondering, “Wait, the last issue of the Crashpod was back in September… of 2014? I thought I read on the forum that the Podcast was over?” It was. Is. However, the podcast came to an end, because it was difficult to schedule a time between myself, Corey and Doug – to all be able to sit down for an hour and record. So while I was working on the site, I got it in my head that I would revive the podcast – but do it as a solo project. I may have Corey, Doug, or even other guests on in the future – but currently what I want to do is discuss whatever New Warriors related new there might be; and then progressively do a synopsis of all the issues of The New Warriors, the solo series the characters have been in, and such. It may be boring, because it is just me talking about the New Warriors. I don’t know. But I figured I’d give it a shot. This podcast begins with discussing all the characters who have ever been a member of the New Warriors, and what I’ve liked and disliked about them.

You can also download the podcast as an MP3 file.

You can discuss the podcast on the New Warriors Forum. If you’re not already a member of the forums, please pay attention to the first step in the Registration Process.

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Civil War II: Choosing Sides (with Night Thrasher).

Brandon Easton and Goran Sudzuka working on Night Thrasher.

Brandon Easton and Goran Sudzuka working on Night Thrasher.

So, news has dropped that Civil War II: Choosing Sides will be a six issue anthology series. There’s a number of stories to be included, such as Nick Fury, Damge Control, Punisher, War Machine, Jessica Jones – but more importantly, looks like we’re going to see some Power Pack – but what could be better than that you ask? How about a Night Thrasher story written by Brandon Easton and Goran Sudzuka! So it looks like our beloved Night Thrasher was no only saved last moment, through time, and seen (currently) in Contest of Champions – but looks like he’s going to be getting some more love over at Marvel!

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The Nova That Wasn’t Nova – But Became Nova – Sam Alexander.

NOVAPLANET The Nova series starring Sam Alexander has come to an end. If you’ve not collected it because you were holding out for Richard Rider, and that there is no Nova, but Richard Rider… I am going to tell you right now, you have missed out on an incredible series. Let me say something, I’d love – LOVE – to see Richard Rider back. There’s probably little more I’d love to see happen in the Marvel Universe than seeing the Nova I grew up with, from his own series, to Fabian’s take on him in New Warriors, to his series that followed, and especially the Richard Rider we saw truly developed into a real hero by the fantastic team of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. And I admit, when the Nova series was announced with Sam Alexander was announced, I was very skeptical.  The series had some rough spots in the beginning, but was entertaining enough to keep me reading. But when Gerry Duggan came aboard, you could see he had plans for the character. He began plotting things and laying them out. Things mentioned or seen in previous issues would come to fruition later. As the series progressed, it really got better and better, and it became much clearer that Gerry Duggan really had things planned out. The series featured a great set of stories, dealing with Sam – an amateur hero – making a lot of amateur mistakes! But by the end of the series, he really came into himself. The series has a tremendous amount of heart and love. Really appreciate what was done with this character, and really glad I stuck with it, throughout the series.

I still want Richard Rider back. I miss the character very much. But you know what, Sam deserves the title of Nova as well. If you haven’t already, I’d recommend giving the series a read. You might be surprised, once you set aside the biased view, at what a great story is waiting for you to be discovered.

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Happy 30th Birthday, Firestar! #NewWarriors

Happy Birthday, Firestar. #NewWarriors


Few heroes can list both the Avengers and the X-Men on their resume, but that’s just what Firestar can do thanks to her long and storied career.

The microwave-powered mutant has fought alongside pretty much everyone from Captain America to Wolverine, adding her signature heat blasts and fiery personality to the arsenal of a number of super teams. In her 30 years of publication, Angelica Jones might most be known for her lengthy stint as a member of the New Warriors, a team that she helped found alongside Night Thrasher, Nova, Justice, Speedball and Namorita.

But Firestar has been a member of one other team—a team that had less than heroic ambitions!

Learn about Firestar’s extensive history!

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Despite Cancellation – New Warriors Ranks #5 of the top 10 teams of 2014!

They beat out such teams as X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, All New X-Men, Secret Avengers and Mighty Avengers! You’d think a team that ranks above such “core” titles would continue to be published.

Share your thoughts on facebook or on the forum.

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New Warriors #12 – Final Issue. Your thoughts?

So as we all know, issue #12 of the current run of NEW WARRIORS has come out – and it’s the final issue. But that doesn’t mean that discussion (or the passion!) for the New Warriors has to end! Come by the forum and share your thoughts on the final issue!

There’s a thread here about it. Or if you’re on Facebook, come like The New Warriors facebook page and start a discussion there!

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Throw Back Thursday! #TBT

So Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites have adopted this “Throwback Thursday” (or #TBT) thing! Well while cleaning off the hard drive, I found all the old banners I once used when this site was hosted on Geocites! Ready?

One of the very first banners:

Other banners made way, way, way back then… Using puns quite frequently, it seems…

I am amused that you can see this was made over the Firestar one…

You can see them layered…

Pretty flashy banners, right?

This was used as a button to email me.

This replaced the banner on Valentine’s Day

When I tried to get fancy with the banners…

One of the last banners when I was using Geocities…



This was used as a banner after Volume 2 had started:

Christmas after Volume 2:

This was used to save the New Warriors back then…

This was used in a campaign to bring back the New Warriors!

This was used as a button to join the New Warriors eGroup (later, Yahoo Group)

This was used to link to various Nova related sites.

This was made after Civil War started, intentionally using the characters impacted from the New Warriors:

This was the first banner used when NewWarriors.com was born.

This was used as a banner from time to time (I tried to use it for banner exchanges)

The Halloween Banner:

Saint Patrick’s Day:

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Darkhawk (War of Kings) Wallpaper.

#NewWarriors #Darkhawk gets even more love! I whipped up this cover from one of the War of Kings covers! I only did one resolution (1920×1080). If you are interested and have a different size resolution, let me know your screen resolution and I can adjust and create new ones.
Darkhawk War of Kings Wallpaper (1920×1080)

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