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New Additions!

BIG UPDATE: Click the profile photos to see their profiles!

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Villains Gallery!

Added some more villains to the site…



Heavy Mettle

Junzo Muto

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Two new – um – old? – villains added to the site!

I’ve added Genecide, leader of Eugenix, as well as Protocol, leader of the Undertow. (Interesting that both of these villains were leaders of essentially ruthless, murdering, mercenaries).


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The New Warriors TV Show – Not Heading To Freeform

So, since the news broke early in November, I’ve been patiently waiting to see if there was an update to the New Warriors TV show. It was originally picked up in 2016 by the Disney-ABC Television group known as Freeform; but then news broke that those plans had been scrapped and that the show would be shopping around for a new home.

Since then – there’s not been much in the way of news about the television show’s fate. I knew, back then, when they announced the idea of a New Warriors television show, chances were slim that it would be the New Warriors that most of us are familiar with; but regardless, I was excited at the prospect of The New Warriors heading for TV! When the news broke as to the characters they were proposing for the show, I was surprised the majority of them were legitimate New Warriors. I was even pleasantly surprised who they cast for the actors. The news has been eerily quiet since the initial news that Freeform was not going to be housing the show. There could be some negations happening in the background; but it’s odd that they were so excited about the show coming to Freeform and it was everything they wanted; and then… decline and silence. Makes me wonder if the show is dead in the water, and will be quietly swept under the rug to be forgotten; which admittedly, would mildly annoy me, because of the Fate of the New Warriors Facebook page would have been for naught.

What are your thoughts? Do you hope the show finds a new home? Come by our (new) Facebook page or hit us up on twitter!

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The New Warriors Forum Is Officially Gone.

A recent update to the site, made it so the forum was having all kinds of database errors. I tried to manually update the phpbb software, but hit a few walls. I had the provider try to see if it could be done, and they hit the same walls. (Speedball on the cover over there is supposed to represent the Forums, with Timeslip mourning the loss of the forums – I mean, Speedball)!

The forums weren’t getting much activity anyway, because everyone has moved to the social media platform. So as soon as I encountered the errors with the forum, I made a Facebook Group page for the New Warriors, that acts more like a forum. Currently there’s only a few of us on there, so if you’d like – please come by and join us! (Membership does require to be approved, so when you join, you may not immediately get access! I try to check it as frequently as I can for folks that have joined us there!)

  • Crashpod
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The Crashpod – The New Warriors Podcast #7 – Podcasts of Present Past

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Thanks to Insomnia (my best friend) and the epic battle we had – I finally raised my hands in defeat and said, “Fine! I can’t sleep! I will do something!” So I sat in my room and talked to myself. Not like a crazy person. Well… not any crazier than I already am… but I mean, I talked to myself, as in doing the next New Warriors podcast for The Crashpod. So issue #7 of the Crashpod covers volume one, issues #11, 12, and 13, which are all a part of the Forever Yesterday storyline. So give it a listen. Let me know what you think. If you enjoyed it, the best thing you can do is share it around!

If it does not stream on the site, and you do not have an iTunes account to listen to it there, then you can right click this link and save the MP3 file.

Please considering sharing this on your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets; as well as, if you do have an iTunes account, please consider rating us and leaving a comment there as well. It’s much appreciated.

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New Warriors for FreeForm Has Been Cast.

We previously discussed New Warriors coming to Freeform TV. Well, it looks like the casting call has been completed!

Squirrel Girl will be played by Milana Vayntrub. Squirrel Girl grew in popularity with her crazy ability to be able to have the powers… of a squirrel. No. I am not kidding. Like Deadpool, the over the top characterization of Squirrel Girl shoot her popularity to the top. Milana herself is probably best known for her role as Sloane on This Is Us.

Calum Worthy landed the role of Speedball. I am not sure how they’re going to pull off Speedball without quite a budget for special effects, so I suspect this will be a very toned down version of the Speedball we all know and love from the comics. Calum has been in a few shows such as Lost Generation, Cassandra French’s Finishing Highschool and Austin & Ally.

Derek Theler landed the role of Mister Immortal, who is literally impossible to kill. In the comics, Mister Immortal is not a member of the New Warriors, but rather the Great Lake Avengers (or whatever they change their name to). As I previously mentioned in the other post, Mister Immortal is probably a part of this team for the show, because of the comedic value they can bring from someone who literally can not be killed. (So I imagine, he will make plenty of lethal mistakes, but be okay, each and every time). Derek has been in such shows as Project: SERA, Baby Daddy and in the short, Brotherly Love.

Jeremy Tardy landed the role as the serious Night Thrasher. I am hoping that we will see Jeremy in some form of Night Thrasher armor, and not just a rich kid who wants publicity. Because the show is going for the comedic feel of the New Warriors, I can’t imagine it’s going to delve into his past (with the murder of his parents, having a half brother, etc).

Next up, Kate Comer landed the role of Debrii, and based on this photo, I can see how she landed the role for her hair alone! She looks a lot like Debrii – but a much nicer, warmer, version of the comic book version, was was often written to be a … well, let’s just say she had a chip on her shoulder. Debrii is another one that I am hoping we see some good CGI for the use of her power. I see her as the serious, angry character, that doesn’t get along with the others (or doesn’t appear to, but probably actually does like them), for what this show is going for.

And the last casting is Matthew Moy as Microbe. Microbe was one of those characters that I actually enjoyed out of the volume that introduced both him and Debrii (I didn’t care for that whole volume as a whole, but appreciated Microbe). It was nice to finally see a hero who is not automatically a fit, perfect human specimen. So I am at least happy to see, even though Microbe was killed in the comics, during the event that triggered Civil War; that he will at least go on to live on the TV show.

So there you have it folks – the casting of Freeform’s New Warriors TV show.

What are your thoughts? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, or on our Forum.


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The Blame For the Nova Cancellation?

Well, to say the least – I am quite surprised. As you probably know by now, the current Nova series (featuring both Sam and Rich) is going to be cancelled. Usually Tom Brevoort is pretty snarky, especially when it comes to dissing Rich Rider fans. (Well, he’s generally very snarky, but questions about Rich Rider, were usually met with more snarkiness than usual). So I was a little surprised to read this about the cancellation of the current Nova series, from Tom Brevoort:

…please don’t think I am blaming the audience for the book being cancelled–no one is under any obligation to buy our books. On the contrary, we are under an obligation to make books you will want to buy, so feel free to lay the blame for the cancellation on me.

Every issue there were about 35,000 fans who read every issue of NOVA and GUARDIANS and every issue of every [limited series] that was a part of all of our events. They helped spread the word and they were there along for the ride and never went away, and without them the books would’ve never even existed; there would be no film without those loyal readers.

Thoughts? Come discuss it on our Facebook page or on Twitter or on our forum.

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Our new Facebook page.

Some of you noticed that our existing New Warriors Facebook page was suddenly… gone. All the years of content swept away, and now it was a link to a page for the TV show (but with no content on there). This was done by someone above me, and I was never contacted about the URL being taken over.

I understand that, because the page was a page for the New Warriors comic, and that legally, Marvel (or even Freeform, the Television station) “owns” the legal intellectual rights to The New Warriors, and can do as they please – it would have been nice – and probably polite – had they reached out to me and said, “Hello. We would like this URL for the television show.” I would have been more than happy to create a new page, and merge my existing page into that new one – and thus, freeing up the URL for them to do what they need to do.

Now, unfortunately, I’ve lost all the history, content, posts, images, and most importantly the fan base that I had taken so long to build up. (I believe we were at 650 or so fans? Possibly a little more?) I had that URL for years, and now to rebuild it, because I wasn’t given any notification about the URL being taken over, is a little disheartening. Because I was doing everything to promote the comics, the show, everything and anything, New Warriors related.

I have reached out to Facebook, about restoring my page (even under a new name, like TheNewWarriors), but I don’t know when – or even if – they will do it. So in the meantime, I’ve created a new page, with the URL NewWarriorsDotCom (which, I am assuming will be safe, as I run the site myself). So, as I rebuild the page, please swing by the new New Warriors Facebook page and give it a LIKE. Also, if you don’t mind sharing the URL around to recapture all of those Warriors out there:


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