Just a House Keeper? Hardly.

Added Tai to the Enemies section of the New Warriors.

Tai had an extensive and very invasive history with the New Warriors.

The depth of Tai’s origins begins with the roots of her family. Tai’s nomadic ancestors came across The Well of All Things, from which mystical energies erupted from a hole, had settled near the Well, and for decades constructed a temple around the dimensional breach. Tai’s ancestors discovered, through careful planning and breeding, one day, the disciples of the prophecies would control the incredible energies of the Well.

Tai gave birth to Miyami after the events of World War II. Tai knew that, as a part of the prophecy, her daughter (as well as the others) were to mate with men from the East. In 1966, a Unit of American Soldiers, known as the “Half-Fulls” composed of: Lt. Mark Conroy, Private Diego Casseas, Sgt. Andrew Chord, Lt. Daryl Taylor, Lt. Go Vin Ng, Private Collier Mack, all stumbled across the Temple of the Dragon’s Breadth. Tai, who had recently slaughtered everyone in her tribe, save for the daughters who would bear the children of the Pact, ensnared the troop of men. When Lt. Mark Conroy spat at Tai, she took his spit and used it to burn a symbol on his chest; a symbol that would be inherited by his son, Eric Conroy (better known as the Folding Circle member, Bloodstrike).

Miyami, Tai’s daughter, fearful of Tai’s ultimate plans, faked her own death, and the death of her two children.

Under Tai’s guidance, Dwayne formed the New Warriors, which consisted of himself (as Night Thrasher), the mutants Firestar and Marvel Boy, the Atlantian Namorita, the bubbling Speedball, and the intergalactic hero, Nova. Together, they faced everything from the Punisher, to Terrax, to the Forces of Nature and everything in between.

Hearing of Andrew’s suicide attempt, Miyami came back to see if Andrew was all right. Unfortunately, Tai sensed her daughter’s presence and tracked her down to a restaurant, where she learned that her daughter’s death had clearly been fabricated, as well as that of her two children. When Tai asked what Miyami had done with her children, she explained she had left them in Chinatown – that’s when Tai realized who her children were – none other than Sihouette and Midnight’s Fire. Tai then proceeded to kill her own daughter by rendering her flesh apart with razor sharp talons.

Read the entire origin by clicking Tai’s image below:


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Firestar in Marvel Super Hero Squad Online.

Firestar is now an available character on the Marvel Super Hero Squad Online game.

With the official launch of Super Hero Squad Online, we are proud to announce the release of our in-game Challenge System along with 9 new Heroes!* These Heroes are available to everyone who completes specific challenges, so jump in and play now! (*7 Heroes available now, Colossus & Future Foundation Spider-Man are coming soon!)

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Added Piece Meal to the Enemies!

While not a willing enemy of the New Warriors (in NEW WARRIORS ANNUAL #1), Gilbert Benson served his abusive mother, Erika Benson (Harness) in gathering residual energy of Proteus and absorbing it into himself (eventually losing control and releasing Proteus on the world again). Click the image below to view the profile!

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We have added HARNESS to the Enemy Profiles! HARNESS appeared in the Kings of Pain Annual Cross Over between New Mutants (Annual #7), New Warriors (Annual #1), Uncanny X-Men (Annual #15) and X-Factor (Annual #6), written by Fabian Nicieza!

Click the image below to access the profile!


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A Thief In The Stars.

Added STAR THIEF. Click the image below to head into his profile.

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I have added the following villains from Psionex!

Asylum (I)
Asylum (II)
Pretty Persuasions

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Force of Nature.

Added all the members of Force of Nature:

As always, if there’s an errors or suggestions, please post them in this thread on our forum.

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The Folding Circle.


The Folding Circle is the first set of common enemies that the New Warriors fought that have their profiles within the page!

Bloodstrike, Left Hand, Midnight’s Fire, Silk Fever, and Smiling Tiger.

As always, if there’s an errors or suggestions, please post them in this thread on our forum.

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Evan Skolnick – “Looks Sharp!”

Evan Skolnick commented on the revamped New Warriors Dot Com look!

Evan Skolnick: “Looks sharp! And you can quote me on that! :)”


Evan Skolnick has been a writer for a number of various comics such as Doctor Strange, Ghost Rider 2099 and New Warriors. He is currently a Producer and Editorial Director for Vicarious Visions, a division of video game publisher Activision.

At Marvel, Skolnick continued honing his editorial and story-pitching skills under the mentorship of Fabian Nicieza, writing several prominent annuals for series such as Excalibur and Deathlok, and ultimately landing the regular writing gig on New Warriors, which Nicieza had decided to resign as of issue #53. Skolnick’s behind-the-scenes trials and tribulations in trying to get a Turbo mini-series published at Marvel Comics were described in detail in a letters column in New Warriors Vol. 1 #73, the very issue in which one of the Turbo characters is killed.

He is credited as being a lead writer for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, released in Fall 2009.

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Welcome to New Warriors Dot Com!

Welcome to New Warriors Dot Com – Version 3.0!

Please feel free to poke around and tell us anything is broken by posting in this thread on the forum.

The entire site has been redesigned, after quite a bit of work! The forums have been redesigned as well! There’s plans for more to come to the site! So keep checking back!

– Crashpad

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