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Real Name: Unknown
Aliases: Hate Monger
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Advocate of Hate
Citizenship: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Funded the Sons of the Serpent
First Appearance: (As Hate Monger) Avengers #341 (1991); (As Animus) Incredible Hulk #29 (2001)
History: The exact origin of Animus remains unknown, as to whether he is a human, mutant, or spawn of a cosmic being of hatred.

He was first encountered, though he may have existed long before this, when he equipped and funded the Sons of the Serpent group to spread violence and hatred throughout New York City. Both the Avengers and the New Warriors arrived to try and quell the riots that were erupting, and soon found themselves involved. Hate Monger was defeated, but had escaped. He appeared next going after Nomad (Jack Monroe) during the riots in Los Angeles; but Nomad refused to surrender to his hatred, forcing Hate Monger to flee once again.

He would next appear, manipulating events in Los Angeles once more, which would eventually draw the attention of Justice, of the New Warriors. Hate Monger manipulated Justice and his mother’s hatred of Vance having killed his own father, when defending himself from his father’s abuse. When Norma was finally able to forgive Vance, Hate Monger was once again, forced to retreat.

He appeared once more, this time adopting the name Animus, which he fed off the tensions of Bruce Banner and others; but Bruce Banner was able to give in to his endless anger, as the Hulk and seemingly absorbed Animus.

Height: 6’2″
Weight: 215 lbs.
Eyes: Red
Hair: Brown

Powers: Animus feeds of the anger and hatred of those around him; and can use his powers to amplify these emotions to cause more hatred and grief. Through these powers, he’s been shown to be able to manipulate someone’s mind and memories, creating complex illusionary worlds, in which his victims will believe it’s reality.