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Real Name: Herb and Sheila Hollister
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Hit Men
Citizenship: United States Citizen With A Criminal Record
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: (Herb and Sheila are husband and wife, respectively), No Other Relatives Are Known
Group Affiliation: Speedball Revenge Squad
First Appearance:
Speedball #7
History: Herb and Sheila Hollister seemed like your average married couple. While living in Springdale, they were close friends with Justin Baldwin, Maddie Naylor, and the late Alex Bow. One day, the couple sold their house in Springdale with little warning and moved out. Together, Herb and Sheila adopted the single identity of the Harlequin Hit Man, an assassin for hire. One day, Herb and Sheila returned to Springdale and immediately courted their friendship with Justin Baldwin and Maddie Naylor, all the while posing as The Harlequin Hit Man at night, because Nathan Boder had hired them to track down some blackmailers who could potentially have incriminating evidence against him in regards to the Alex Bow murder. While tracking down one of the blackmailers, Justin Baldwin who had arranged a meeting, is ambushed and rendered unconscious by one of the pair of Harlequin Hit Man. The Masked Marvel (better known as Speedball) breaks in through a window and topples over some crates rendering, what he believes, is the only one. He is surprised to see a second one, but manages to knock them both out. He quickly makes his exit as his father, Justin Baldwin awakes to see both Harlequin Hit Men unconscious. He unmasks them both and discovers that it’s Herb and Sheila.

The Harlequin Hit Man joined the Speedball Revenge Squad, and was effective in helping catch Niels (by shooting Niels, who is immune to bullets, but the force bounced him into Sticker), but this drew the attention of Speedball who quickly dispensed the Speedball Revenge Squad and sent them all back to prison.

During the Dark Reign, Quasimodo, serving Normon Osborn, researched the potential of the Harlequin Hit Man as a potential resource.

Height: 5’6″ (Herb), 5’5″ (Sheila)
Weight: 185 lbs. (Herb), 125 lbs (Sheila)
Eyes: Blue (Herb), Brown (Sheila)
Hair: Black (Herb), Brown (Sheila)

Powers: The Harlequin Hit Man (neither Herb or Sheila) possessed any actual powers; other than extensive training and skill with a hand gun.