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Real Name: (First Name Unrevealed) Logan
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Criminal
Citizenship: United States Citizen With A Criminal Record
Place of Birth: Springdale, Connecticut
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Speedball Revenge Squad
First Appearance:
Speedball #3
History: Arrested by Officer Burnatt, Logan was sent to the Springdale Maximum Security Prison, where he eventually got a job in the machine shop. His entire time there, he began working on a spring board that would allow him to escape the prison, which he eventually did, successfully.

Once out of the prison, he returned to the life of crime and returned to Springdale to exact his revenge by appearing on several television shows, news stations, unexpectedly, before beginning his crime spree which began by robbing the Lodestone Gold Company, then a private gallery, but when he attempted to rob a woman on the street, he came across the hero known as Masked Marvel (better known now, as Speedball), because the woman he had tried to rob was Robbie’s mother. The two briefly tangled before Leaping Logan made his escape. He ended up stealing an Amazing Comics #1 shortly after, followed by a Punjab Pendant, then an Emerald; and that’s when Robbie discovered he was spelling his name (L – Lodestone, E – Ellison Earings from the private gallery, A – Amazing Comics #1, P – Punjab Pendant, E – Emerald). The Masked Marvel figured he would rob the shipment of Roman Coins to the Museum next, and fought Leaper Logan there. The Masked Marvel used his momentum to bounce high enough to catch up to Leaper Logan and the two tussled, bouncing around, before landing at the feet of Officer Burnatt. Officer Burnatt immediately arrested Leaper Logan again, while the Masked Marvel bounced away.

Height: 5’4″
Weight: 115 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

Powers: Leaper Logan has no powers himself; but Logan is clearly an above average inventor, able to create a number of gadgets that have worked out successfully for him… usually.